Worth a visit to see how the conflict was viewed by PRC/DPRK. Displays are quaint and nowhere near caliber of Smithsonian Air and Space museum, but still worth a couple hour visit if you have the time.
If you have been to Pyongyang and seen the museum related to the Korean War from the North Korean viewpoint, then this museum is interesting to view as it gives a different perspective from the Chinese. There are a lot of different pictures and pieces to see in this museum and was overall an interesting experience. I went on a cold February day when it was just in the minus temperatures outside. The museum is not heated and it felt abut another 5 -10 degrees colder INSIDE. I strongly suggest you wear a coat and gloves
See only because there are so few places like. It compares to the museum in Pyongyang but not as intense, though they still keep up the lie that America started the war. Worth a couple if hours if your time. Don't for to play on the war toys in the field beside it.
I visited Dandong with my gf for our trip to North Korea. This museum was a last minute decision but I'm glad we didn't miss it.The collection is very big with English explanations on the displays. The whole museum (almost) is surprisingly politically correct, but you can still find some gems if you read all the captions. Don't miss photo-ops at the war scene panorama!
Admission for the museum is free, but if yo come by car you'll have to pay a parking fee. When we were there it was rather crowded and we had to queue to be given a ticket from one man to later give it back to another man after having stood in a second queue. Both moved very fast, so no worries. You are allowed to bring camera, but no rucksacks or lighters. A man controlling the queue asking for these things. Inside there is a path set up which you have to follow although you obviously don't have to read more than what interest you. Everything is in English, and as previous reviewer have written it can get rather tiresome to continuously hear such a one-sided story (and none of us were American, nor South Korean). Nonetheless it is very interesting to read about China's view on the whole situation and I can imagine that the western version was much more biased a few decades ago too.
Admission was free to this large museum with interesting displays. Free admission to museums is rare in China. Most of the main displays had English translations. This museum will irk American and South Korean visitors who have studied the history of the Korean War because of its extremely biased and IMO inaccurate account of the war. Nevertheless, it's interesting to see what the Chinese government teaches its citizens about it. You'll notice there is very little information about Chinese and North Korean casualties and battle losses...
丹東の町の、すこし丘高い所にあります。 毛沢東と金日成の握手から始まり、朝鮮戦争の中国・北朝鮮側のストーリーに沿って展示されています。 中国の人と訪問しましたが、なぜ中国人の犠牲を、そこまで払ったのかは理由は判らないとの事です。 特に何かある町ではないので、時間があればお奨めです。 それと、丹東はさくらんぼが美味しいとの事です。
in cima ad una collina, consigliabile recarsi in taxi, c'è una grande costruzione contenente cimeli, fotografie e la storia della Guerra di Corea. Sul piazzale ci sono carri armati, cannoni, aerei, perfino un biplano, e un treno dell'epoca. All'interno in varie sale sono esposti moltissimi documenti e testimonianze della guerra con spiegazioni sia in cinese che in inglese. Tra i più interessanti il documento originale dell'armistizio firmato dal Gen. Clarke e dalle controparti coreane e cinesi, infatti furono ben 200.000 i volontari cinesi morti per aiutare il paese amico tra i quali anche un figlio di Mao-Tse-Tung. Nelle varie bacheche sono custodite pistole, mitragliatrici e le varie mappe della Corea. Il top di tutto il museo tuttavia è in cima ad una ampia rampa dove si accede ad una specie di planetario di 360° che rappresenta in modo vivo e realistico la guerra! E' tutto dipinto, in cielo tra le nubi si vedono gli aerei che bombardano o attaccano le postazioni nemiche, in basso tra carri armati, blindati, cannoni e postazioni d'artiglieria ci sono manichini in uniforme e con le armi in mano tra gli incendi e i morti, desidero specificare che la scenografia è spettacolare, se il museo è interessante questa scenografia è spettacolare!