we came upon this smaller market and stopped in. The selection was smaller, but they are still growing the business. It is a nice stop along the way to pick up some local produce.
Small but quaint. Prices were high. The farmers markets are better. Hope this place improves. Need to go back and see if this gs have changed. Nice drive
what a great night! We signed up for the 6:30pm tour which was so beautiful as we got to see the sun set over the mountain and then enter into the tunnels right as the sun went down. I really enjoyed the story that was shared and the history that was offered. What an interesting place that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a fun evening activity! Book your tickets soon as they tend to sell out quickly!
My husband and I went on the historical tour on a Saturday morning. Just an item to note, they only run the tour with a minimum of six people. $20 a person - tax included.We loved the history! The "owner" is a wealth of knowledge. We began our tour with some story telling of the history of the area. Then afterwards we climbed aboard a trailer of sorts to begin touring the community. There was a wealth of historical information provided, and we really enjoyed that. We were on and off the trailer a bit to look at different sites, including a brief tour of the tunnels below the cafeteria. Only downside for us was the push to develop this property, there was quite a bit of talk about what would be built so on and so forth....Over all we really enjoyed our visit.There isn't a proper bathroom onsite - it is a portable outhouse.
Was there on Sunday, what a wonderful experience my daughter and I had, who knew we had that type of attraction here in Kamloops, the history and the entire property are a definet must next time you are in kamloops, tim and Annette have do a great job with the buildings and tunnels. Can't wait till I can go again, I hope day towns of the town will be the next on the list. It's was a great time.
I wish we had come earlier in the day, because we were too late to take part in the tour which looked very intriguing. There are scads of old and interesting buildings on this large property, and the tour apparently gives a lot of information about the last several centuries here. There is an old sanatorium, and many barns and buildings. As a place to shop, I'm not sure I'd come back. There was quite a variety of organic meat and produce, but the prices are high, and I think most of the items could be had at the weekend market in downtown Kamloops. The drive is quite lovely though, and there are interesting rock formations and hoodoos nearby, as is the river. All in all, a pleasant outing which could have been much more interesting had we been on time for the tour.
Vi åkte ut till samhället Tranquille och vad som idag är en farm, samma eftermiddag som vi kom till Kamloops. Vi hade haft en släkting som låg på sanatoriet på 1920-talet, så vi ville ta en titt på området. Tydligen har fler haft samma intressen, för det som mötte oss var skyltar om "Trespassing" och "Procecution" samt taggtrådsstängsel. Vi fick gå runt och titta på håll, det kändes lite snopet. Men de verkade seriösa med sitt odlande och hade restaurerat flera byggnader på området. Så de kanske behövde arbetsro, helt enkelt. Vi försökte se framför oss hur det sett ut när sanatoriet användes, området verkade ha varit fint. De lite nyare byggnaderna som, vad jag förstår, använts som mentalsjukhus under en period, såg lite mindre trevliga ut. Det var synd att vi kom lite tidigt på året. Farm Fresh brukar ha visningar senare under sommaren. Då hade vi kunnat få besöka området på ett mindre "snokande" sätt. Kändes lite trist att ha åkt så långt för så lite.