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ranch chez ti-gars

ranch chez ti-gars

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AroldoSilva
    I visited Quebec City with my wife in March 2012, and went to Chez ti-Gars because she loves horses - and everything related.We chose this ranch for its proximity to the city of Quebec, we found several others over the Internet, but their great distances not pleased us.The attendance of Chez Ti-Gars was impeccable. The scheduling was done by phone, and the attendant was very friendly - which is not always easy to find on other ranches.In winter, some trails options do not work because of weather, but those available were interesting and beautiful, with lots of snow.The guide was very friendly and helpful. In fact, she seemed to really enjoy what she's doing, it's very important in a horse trail, where what matters is to have fun.If you go to Quebec, and want to spend a few pleasant hours on a horse trail, I recommend Chez Ti-Gars!
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