每次来到义大利区的 Jean-Talon 市场,总是令人开心不已,各式各样的应时蔬果,色泽艳丽,种类繁多,还可以试吃.这里的蔬果最新鲜便宜,每次都嫌买得不够.这附近有不少义大利杂货店,餐厅,甜点铺,有得买又有得吃,是蒙特娄人的厨房.
这是我和老公第一次来让-达伦市场(Jean-Talon Market)。我们整个下午都在主楼和附近的商店里逛。主入口(南面)处有一个很棒的小巧克力商店,有很多诱人的巧克力-我老公挑了一盒巧克力注芯饼干。我在主楼的一个小摊买了一些奶酪。我们还去了另一个商店(忘记名字了!),就在主楼南入口的街对面,那里有超好吃的切德干酪和啤酒(Dieu du Ciel beer)。我老公喜欢喝啤酒,我不喜欢-他喜欢所以买了一些,而我喜欢奶酪,也买了一些。主楼里面有很多水果和蔬菜,主楼附近的外面也有一些-我们在其中一家买了葡萄和杏。太便宜了-我还沉浸在多伦多的价钱中,但是在这个市场便宜多了!糟糕的是我们离开家逛了6个小时,接下来的两天都在这个镇上呆着,我真想住在这个蔬果店算了......这个地方可以随便走走,很多人在这逛街,也有很多街头艺人。市场周围的街道很窄,基本上都是行人道,尽管车也让走。我们得出一个事实那就是无论何时一辆车想穿过这些狭窄的街道(我不明白-为什么要麻烦别人?),行人都会在车前面慢慢的走,不让路。司机要是走路都比开车快一点!所以我给想在这玩的游客的建议是-一定要来呀!但是不要开车,停在住的地方,坐地铁吧。(坐地铁很容易-在让-达伦市场站下。)这样的话你会更高兴!
One of the very best markets I have ever visited. Even in the middle of winter, there was stall after stall of fresh fruits and vegetables, fantastic baked goods, gelato, tacos, spices etc. Definitely a place to get the feel for "real" Montreal, beyond the typical tourist sites.
A great market for fresh produce, but the shops like Fromagerie Hamel and Premiere Moisson Bakery around the corner are a must if you are in this area. Definitely worth the detour as it will be more memorable then the Market itself.My review of Atwater mentioned this 2 Montreal institution, with a number of outlets. This obviously is the Italian market with a more eclectic mix of vendors and also a wider range of Meditteranean/Middle Eastern/Asian in the surrounds......and like any markets, you can eat your way around as extravagantly or economically as you like.
If you enjoy food and like shopping for excellent local meats, cheeses and vegetables you should not miss this place. The farm market stalls on the weekends are loaded with an incredible variety of seasonal produce - I bought local garlic at incredible prices and fresh cranberries. There were all variety of apples and all the fall squash and carrots. The specialty shops on the southern edge of the market are some of the best I have been in - particularly the charcuterie where I got osso buco and cornish hens. There are a couple of excellent Italian markets and a very good fish store.Even if you are there just to look it is worth the visit.
I just love shopping at the Jean-Talon Market...all year. Even in the winter there are so many places still open. In other seasons it's one of the most impressive places to bring out-of-town guests. The vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. are so fresh and gorgeous to look at. And, who doesn't want to buy local? I highly recommend it any time of year. Underground parking is superb too!
Run don't walk to this awesome market...Loved everythingDisliked nothingGreat food and local finds in Little Italy
We went to the market to visit Epices de Cru but we thoroughly enjoyed walking all around the market. We looked in all the shops and stalls, spoke with staff, and made a number of purchases. We left with fresh pasta, sausages, bacon, desserts, maple syrup and more. We will go again but will bring a cooler with us so we can buy more and bring it safely back to Ottawa. This was a lot of fun for both my husband and me. If you like to eat or cook, this is a great place to spend some time.
They have samples of fruit out that are absolutely delectable! The oranges, apples, pears, treats are all delicious!!! Every town should have a market this big! :-) This is a definite go out of your way to see and bring a shoppers bag because you won't leave empty handed.
From the fresh vegetables to fruits the market has it all. From specialty stores like Hamel cheese store (my opinion the best in Montréal) to restaurants.
This is a regular visit for me. A true foodies market. It has everything. True reflection of Montreal as a city that just cannot be beat for restaurants and food. Healthy, local and multi cultural. Love, love this place. Best from May to mid November when produce is at its best!