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chaffey house

chaffey house

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • brucecA3205CV
    So much history and local knowledge. the museum had so much good quality well kept displays. We were very impressed with the museum, photos and memorabilia it certainly was excellent. We appreciate that this is still open to the public to be shared by all.
  • 628helenS
    Rio Vista House is an important part of Mildura's history. A great place to visit on a hot day, as it's always cool inside. Step back in time and imagine what life was like in the early 1900s for the early irrigation colony, dust, rabbits, drought, and envisage the courage of all the people. Particularly imagine life in this home, by no means the norm for others at the time, but still plenty of heartache. Worth visiting the Chaffey graves not far along the road from here to get more of the story.
  • 4briane
    Built by the Chaffeys who were the instigate rs of the Mildura Irrigation settlement. When we were kids we used to play underneath the house and use a tunnel that went from the house to near the river under what is now the bowling greens. Amazing house and gallery and well worth a visit
  • fionas941
    Geart place for the kids to run around. The fountain is beautiful. Lots of fantastic history in this area.
  • shanport
    What an impressive house to visit, such a great history to be learned. It is apparent they are refurbishing the rooms as funds become available. With a couple of rooms fully furnished you can easily imagine how times were. Great piece of Australian history.
  • williambA5307XI
    Inilah pusat kesenian Kota Mildura. Selalu ada petunjukan yg menarik di rumah historis ini. Pasti wisatawan merasa senang mengunjungi temp at ini. Tidak ada aspek yv negatip.
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