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metropolitan cathedral

metropolitan cathedral

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 8am-6pm


  • CarmichaelVentura
    I was not impressed. It just looked (very) old, not graceful or particularly pretty. On the other hand, it matched the rest of the town. If you're on a cruise as we were, either use the day as a spa day, or take the excursion NO MATTER HOW OVERPRICED.
  • locosfc
    Classic old world charm with beautifully kept building both inside and outside. A must tourist attraction if you are into architecture and history.
  • danielrvo
    If you like religious places you must go here, it's very beautiful and big, but as always make sure to be quiet and take pictures without flash so you won't disturb others
  • fishluvr
    It is a very pretty Cathedral. It is just that. Stained glass and tile work is very nice. You can walk inside and take pictures, nice way to spend a few minutes.
  • Phatbloke
    Having had a day stop over in Porto Alegre I found that the tourist bus didn't run on a Monday but I got a map of the route from the tourist (lack of) information office at the Central Market on the side opposite from the bus station. I decided to walk through the sites myself an view them at my own pace, it is a fair old walk but not too bad if you don't mind the odd hill or so.The Cathedral came towards the end of my walk and was a cool oasis of calm, inside was not at all what I expected from a catholic cathedral, there was a surprising lack of ornamentation which was quite refreshing. Not the most beautiful or impressive church I have been in but a pleasant half hour away from the heat and traffic.
  • TomaszG688
    It is just a church. Maybe outside it looks a bit above average, but there is really nothing to see inside. Just sit in the small park outside instead.
  • IsabelTM
    The outside is much better than the inside. Not much to see, really
  • EmilioRotta
    É o ambiente esperado para uma grande igreja, além de linda. Um local de boas energias, que exala religiosidade e fé.
  • paulonc_rs
    Fica localizado no região mais elevado do centro de Porto Alegre. Ela também é chamada de Igreja da Matriz e possui um estilo renascentista. É uma grandiosa obra de arte com diversas pinturas, mosaicos, estátuas, etc.
  • LuisFernandoBerg
    Bonita com interior simples e fachada atraente.Destaque para a cupula bem grande, que me parece ser uma das maiores dp mundo.
  • 166luist
    Segundo o guia esta igreja tem a quinta maior cúpula do mundo.Na verdade é uma igreja linda e grandiosa , representa e muito bem a grandeza de nosso Deus.Participamos da Santa Missa no sábado à tarde.Visita imperdível em Porto Alegre.
  • renatacpreis
    Igreja majestosa. Beleza incalculável. Próximo a vários pontos turísticos. Bem conservada. Vale a pena a visita.
  • 904rejanea
    Catedral Metropolitana é uma igreja bem antiga e muito bem conservada, fica proximo ao palacio do governo, em frente a praça e logo adiante encontra-se o museu Julio de Castilhos.
  • Jose_Luis_Soares
    É a maior Igreja do Rio Grande do Sul... Tem uma construção maravilhosa e surpreende o tamanho quando se entra nela... Suas enormes colunas são de impressionar!!!
  • mariasuely
    Linda imponente. Bem cuidada, fica na Praça Piratini junto ao Palacio do Governo. Enfrente a Praça Piratini com suas lindas estátuas e o Teatro São Pedro. Vale a pena visitar.
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