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glaciar piedras blancas

glaciar piedras blancas

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • bernardc139
    There is a lovely hike from EL Pilar ($20 taxi ride from El Chalten) back to El Chalten, taking in a viewpoint on this glacier form the trail. Beautiful and very easy trek if Laguna de los Tres is skipped. About 13 k with a steep enough descent at the end into El Chalten.If you're fit, make magical memories and visit Laguna de los Tres (and the nearby Laguna Sucia). Startling, beautiful and unforgettable!
  • RashmiS91
    We walked past Piedras Blancas en route to Laguna de Los Tres (we started out from Hosteria El Pilar specifically so we could see more) and it was quite spectacular. The Mirador for Piedras Blancas is in a forested area - so its quite nice to walk amongst the trees and see the glacier getting closer and closer on the other side of the river. A wonderful view and a wonderful walk. I cannot recommend it enough!
  • 306terih
    We had such a great day , great hike, such a beautiful place. I loved all the glaciers and enjoyed the beauty.
  • 623kimberlyh
    Don't miss this hike! It is a long day filled with beautiful scenery and varied landscape. The map says that it is a difficult hike but our children, ages 10-17, were able to do it and loved it. Book a shuttle to the trail head to save some time, wear layers and bring plenty of snacks and water. We had lunch at the trailhead to Laguna de los Tres which was fun in itself. On the way down, go by Laguna Capri and you've seen three of the great natural sites in El Chalten. Worth the effort and the full day of hiking!
  • monvan
    view all around. We spent about half an hour, just sitting and looking at the glacier. At some point, there was a bit of calving - a bonus.
  • 423claudial
    The trail to Piedras Blancas Glaciar may also be used to get to Poincenot. It's in the National Parks area and trails are easy to follow. Seen various glaciars in my life but this one is breathtaking. I really love the way it struggles to keep firm among the rocks...!
  • morganar888
    We hit this after we hiked up to Laguna De Los Tres. We recommend hiking to Laguna De Los Tres, then down to Glacier Piedras Blancas, then going by Laguna Capri on the way down. It's a long day so bring plenty of food. We are fast hikers and it took up 2.5 hours up to Laguna De Los Tres from Hostel Pilar, 45 minutes back down to the Rio Blanca, 45 minutes to Glacier Piedras Blancas, 45 minutes back to where the Rio Blanca meets the trail to Laguna De Los Tres, and then ~3 hours all the way down to Chalten passing by Laguna Capri. From Hostel Pilar, you could hike by Glacier Piedras Blancas, but the trail isn't great, so you'd basically be bush wacking your way up stream.To get to the base of the glacier you have to do some boulder scrambing (climbing over big rocks) but if this at all interesting to you, it is SO much fun!Highly recommended!
  • maztaz1972
    You can see this glacier from distance when the hiking the path that starts at Hosteria El Pilar leading to campamiento Poincenot and then to de Los tres, before returning to El Chalten. Thus is an awesome hike of a bit over 20k, the hard bit is the hike up to the lago de los tres, but every meter is worth on this hike - beautiful old forrest, continuous great views at Fitzroy and the Glacier Piedras. You will never get tired looking at it.
  • newyork62
    You can see the glacier from the hiking path that starts at Hosteria El Pilar leading to campamiento Poincenot, or you can take a side trip from the hiking trail from Chalten to Laguna de los Tres. Beautiful glacier and lake. Definitely worth seeing.
  • 725andrewb
    This was a highlight of my hike, as I got to witness a signficant part of the hanging glacier calve off. I also shared some chocolate and gorp with some Argentines, enjoying the scenery. Make sure to make this side trip.
  • Giselita_83
    Fuimos primero al mirador desde el campamento Poincenot y luego hicimos el sendero hasta el glaciar. La caminata no tiene mayor complejidad y vale la pena el recorrido
  • 412albertov
    Indo para o Fitz Roy, na trilha que parte da Hosteria Pilar é possivel ter uma visão do Glaciar Piedras Blancas.
  • Edvania
    Pena que não pode chegar perto. Você chega até o mirador, não tem trilha marcada para chegar perto, mas já vale a vista do mirante. Ficamos acampados no poincenot e de lá a trilha é bem fácil. Vale a pena.
  • 638yamild
    Nos fuimos pasando Poicenot a la derecha, tardàs como hora y media, vale la pena pero cansa si vas a laguna de los tres. El lugar es único, como cada lugar de Chaltèn!
  • luconchillo
    Un glaciar que se asoma entra las montañas. Se pueden tomar fotos muy lindas. A los que no les gusta la caminata, la verdad que vale la pena hacerlo.Vayan!
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