Fantastic place to go and check for yourself. If you go to Calafate, you canot miss any of the attractions from nature. Don´t forget that most probably is the main reason why you went there...
This boat tour of Onelli, Upsala and Spegazzini glaciers is a grand trip for all. There are only a few large tour boats on the mostly vacant glacial lake. The lake system is quite vast and very calm. No one should be sea sick on this voyage.The trip itself is quite beautiful. Touristy for sure, but if you want to see three different, majestic glaciers in different parts of the lake, this is what you have to do. It is well worth the trip and the cost for the half day trip.Be sure to bring your lunch or a snack. There is no food served or for purchase on the boats. You can obtain drinks, however.One tip. The boats offer, for an exorbitant price, to sit in a enclosed glass cabin with a bigger cushy seat with the the captain and drivers of the boat. There are about a dozen or so seats set apart for this. A pure cash cow. I think the only time the seats are of any use at all is when you have to sit in your seats departing and returning to the port berth. Otherwise, the fun is to go outside to see the sights without looking through a window. while there are two small separate balconies in the enclosed area, they are very small and very restrictive. There is no advantage over roaming outside to catch your favorite view. Save your money.
It used to be great to go with the boat passing by to disembark at the forest and est in a shelter nearby. Nowadays the glacier has blocked the access therefor is no longer included in the ICE RIVERS tours generally replacing the part for the Perito Moreno part north side. Ice rivers tour will take you to Upsala, Spegazzini and Moreno actually... enjoy!
We enjoyed the day cruising the Lago Argentino with Cruceros Marpateg. I highly recommend the cruising option to access the Onelli Glacier. The views are breathtaking and panoramic. We stopped along the way and enjoyed a five star dining experience in front of the glaciers while sipping champagne.
It's usually a long day catamaran to get there - but plenty to see throughout the trip, especially look out for the geological formations along the shore, and glacial scraping
WE saw this while on a cruise with Mar Patag and it was breathtaking. Highly reccomend taking a cruise to the more northern glaciers. the fjords are stunning
Really enjoyed this. We had a fantastic time getting here and seeing the sheer size and sight of it. Remember that it's very cold and prepare for it.
The Onelli Glacier you can see if you realize the excursion of 7 hours on a boat. Is a amazing experience!!
I reached there as part of the cruise I took in Lake Argentino, it is a small glacier, without a big impact to the viewer. After being at Peritto Moreno, I wasn't too excited from this one.
Lo pudimos apreciar desde la navegacion TODO GLACIARES, al igual que al glaciar spegazzini y upsala, son maravillosos, la experiencia muy buena
Se visita en la excursión Ríos de hielo, por el Lago argentino. Está vecino al glaciar Upsala, que desprende permanentemente su frente, dejando témpanos en el canal del mismo nombre... Un espectáculo...
Acho que estava fechado em Jan/15 e, pelo visto, vai ficar assim um bom tempo... o passeio de barco já não inclui este Glacial...mudaram até o nome do passeio de Todos lós Glaciares para Ríos de Hielo. Li que ficou perigoso chegar perto deste glacial.
Esta dentro de la excursión todo glaciares a diferencia del upsala este lo ves desde tierra, te bajas y luego de una caminata podes verlo, como todo glaciar es genial, nos sentamos a verlo en una playita que estaba llena de témpanos... Mágico!
on y deguste tous les parfums classiques et originaux.mieux vaut manger en dehors des repas car tres biien servi
Por lo general, se contrata con la misma excursión para conocer el Glaciar Upsala. No dejen de visitarlo porque es asombroso.