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centro invernal ushuaia blanca

centro invernal ushuaia blanca

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • senghingn
    We had gone to Longyearbyen, Svalbard which claimed the northernmost city of the world in June 2013. Compare and contrast, the end of the world, Ushuaia, Argentina has more modern development and buildings than Longyearbyen. We stayed here for four nights before and one night after the Antarctica Cruise on board M/S Ocean Diamond by Quark Expeditions from 10 December to 20 December 2013. Right here we would like to praise the Quark Expeditions team. They were professional, dynamic, cool, skillful, knowledgeable, friendly, well-organized and safety conscious. We strongly recommended Quark Expeditions for Antarctica Explorers. We stayed in Lennox Hotel for three nights, one night in Las Lengas and one night in Las Hayas. Lennox Hotel was situated in San Martin which was good for shopping and eating. Las Lengas was a bit inconvenient and a distance to get to the downtown. Las Hayas was up the resort ski place. We needed a taxi to go about. But Las Hayas gave a beautiful scenery of the whole Ushuaia town, whether it was night or day. The accommodation and meals of these three hotels were of a standard. We had delicious dinner which priced reasonably at Las Lengas and Las Hayas. We booked two tours from Info de Ushuaia just right in front of Lennox Hotel. The Off-Road Jeep Tour: Escondido & Fagnano Lakes and The Tierra del Fuego National Park and The End of the World Train. Both tours gave us memorable journey and beautiful scenery and lakes. The Off-Road Jeep Tour event included barbecue lunch in the forest where we saw foxes came out to eat our leftovers. The lake and park near the Casino area gave an extraordinary beauty of the city in the morning. The water was calm and a lot of reflections of trees, clouds, buildings and vehicles,etc, in the lake could be seen. We enjoyed the beautiful scene and took many pictures. If you liked photography, this was the right place to practice perfect photograph takings. There were many choices of food available even a Chinese restaurant which was six blocks away from the Lennox Hotel to the pier side. At the pier especially evenings, many Ushuaia families brought their kids there to enjoy the sea breeze, seeing sea gulls flying everywhere and big cruise ships were at anchor. What a place to relax! The museum was excellent too, historical and knowledgeable. Most of the tour companies could provide tours to Patagonia.
  • Ciccio061
    Not knowing what to expect Ushuaia turned out to be an interesting place. The best Hotels are on the east side e.g. Los Nires. They have a shuttle bus from-to the airport and down town. From the hotel you can easyly walk to the beach which has a nice and romantic view and nature.Ushuaia offers a natural park as well as a glacier. One can also take a big boat and lead towards pinguins and seals. There is a fantastic Mountainchain especially when it's covered with fresh snow. Beautiful secenry.Ushuaia offers also 2 major museum. One is the maritime which was a prison and the other shows history. Very interesting. Hard to believe, yet true, that people lived here naked and survived. The town has 2 major streets and people are quite active, very friendly and there are a lot of children. We happened to see carnival. Even though it is the end of the world, Ushuaia is up to date in anything. If you go be surprised and take a couple of days to visit.
  • kogarah
    November weather was mild, the town was easy to navigate.Quite touristy but after 10 weeks in SA we were a bit jaded. Argentina is quite an expensive country to visit. It seemed everyone came out in the evening.
  • Mcusnir
    During a cruise from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires; Ushuaia was one of our ports of call, we booked via Email a tour with Gerardo Germain ( Gerardo_ush@hotmail.com ). He owns a car were he can fit up to 4 passengers and he took us to the most beautiful and amazing places, among others we went to Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, Bahia Ensenada, Bahia Lapatia were the Pan-American route starts 17.848 kmt (11.090 Miles) to Alaska, the railroad station, Paso Garibaldi were we had a beautiful view from the mountains ending with a city tour. We can recommend travelers to Ushuaia to contact Gerardo his knowledge from the area and kindness will make your trip more enjoyable and unforgettable
  • Tom909
    Thank you for your comments, we hope you can came back to Ushuaia next winter, we have lot of surprises for you, new tracks and machines, new ski equipments and the best service, like always.With care,Ushuaia Blanca Staff
  • G9828IKandreaf
    Está muy buena la plaza con todo lo implica la conmemoración a los caídos en Las Islas Malvinas,es emocionante ver la llama q no se apaga nunca y la lista de los q dejaron la vida por la patria.
  • JonatanPereiraDias
    Passeio incrível. Passamos cerca de 5 horas entre hotel/centro invernal/hotel. Noite fria em Ushuaia e por volta das 18:30 saímos em direção ao centro. Recebemos roupas neoprene, botas, luvas e tudo que se tem direito para não passar muito frio, porque sempre se passa frio de alguma maneira em Ushuaia. Primeiro, instruções na base e após andamos de quadriciclo no gelo acumulado da neve que havia caído na semana até uma cabana no meio da mata. Jantar típico com vinho e quentão (especial). Depois saímos para uma caminhada em meio ao gelo e para ouvir histórias de nosso guia com apenas pequenas lanternas em nossos gorros.O local é indescritível e recomendo a todos os aventureiros. Regressamos até a base exaustos perto das 23 horas.
  • diegoc617
    Esta es la segunda vez que los visitamos, siempre muy buen servicio, trato y la atención esmerada de Pato, su Papa y el resto de los integrantes, te hacen sentir como en casa. Volveremos.
  • 524fabians
    Una empresa familiar que tiene muchas opciones para que la pases bien tanto en invierno xomo en verano. Recomendable.
  • Noemiushuaia
    enseñanza personalizada de sky de fondo, paseo en motos de nieve, o raquetas, cafeteria con snacks, o caminata nocturna con guía y cena autóctona.... para no perdérselo.... atendido por sus propios dueños...
  • JuniorPansai
    Não conseguimos passear no teleférico pois estava com muita neve nos cabos. Bela paisagem do alto onde se vê uma parte do canal de beagle.
  • franciss9
    Estivemos duas vezes no centro invernal Ushuaia Blanca - Las Cotorras em julho de 2014. Na semana nevou pouco, mas ainda assim fizemos passeio de trenó (os cães pareciam bem alimentados e dispostos) e descemos a colina de cullipatin e de trenó.
  • Lemozzaquatro
    Para começar, nos informaram, na entrada do parque, que havia neve para esquiar. Compramos os ingressos e subimos o teleférico, mas, ao chegar lá em cima, havia praticamente só gelo, e não neve. Lá chegando, tivemos que descer a pé a pista de esqui, cuidando para não escorregar, para chegar na confeitaria e receber as informações sobre as atividades que poderiam ser feitas. A única que poeríamos fazer naquele dia era andar de quadriciclo, não dava para esquiar nem andar de motos de neve. O visual é muito bonito lá de cima, mas falta melhorar a estrutura. Há apenas uma única pista de ski para iniciantes. Nos disseram que há projetos para ampliar o parque. O acesso ao parque custa 240 pesos e o translado custa 120 pesos, o mesmo sai do centro de informações turísticas, no centro da cidade, em horários pré-determinados.
  • JulianaC703
    Fazer o passeio com o trenó de cães, raquetes de neve ou quadriciclos é imperdível. Super recomendo o trenó, diferente do que pensava, os cães não são maltratados, ficam eufóricos para deslizarem pela neve.
  • leonardol352
    Pasamos un día espectacular, Mario y Gabriela nos trataron como si fuéramos de su familia, aún no teniendo algunas atracciones por el clima, que buscábamos como la nieve, ausente por el feo invierno, las actividades que nos proporcionaron valieron la alegría de toda la familia. Además las recomendaciones que nos hicieron antes del viaje y durante la actividad siempre estuvieron pensadas para que tuviéramos la mejor experiencia. Y siempre primo la seguridad de nosotros y el buen pasar antes que cualquier otra cosa.Los recomiendo 100%
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