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museo yámana

museo yámana

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Los pueblos originarios fueguinos no dejaron construcciones en piedrani...


  • belleretraite
    This museum is small by any standard but it is interesting ! The Yamana people are part of the history of South America and were quite exceptional in their way of living ! It is unfortunately an example of why people with a different lifestyle are rejected up to the point of extermination ! Worth a visit (75 pesos)
  • nandudu
    A bit disappointed. The museum is small, which makes the visit quite fast and the price ticket quite high.
  • TBLennie
    This was a fascinating 45 mins I spent, learning a little about the Yamana people and their story. A very well laid out small museum with clear displays and legends in Spanish and English. Very close to the main Av San Martin, well worth a short visit gven the 75 pesos entrance fee.
  • Exp_Trav_9
    Slightly of the main San Martin Road the small museum offers a most interesting survey on local and indigenous history. Low price (40ARS).
  • OlgaRadzikh
    I liked the information presented, and I learned a lot of new stuff. I hope this museum grows bigger in the future and includes more diverse information.
  • ToriM
    Small and slightly careworn but very good explanation of the history of the local tribes. Well done dioramas with placards in English and Spanish. Some photos of how the people looked originally and some after they adopted more Western dress. Also a video made in 1920 which was interesting.
  • anacarolinaf467
    This museum (AR $75) has 3 small rooms, presenting the origin, ethnies and habits of the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego. Everything is both in spanish and english and is interesting to understand the way of life in that period. Takes between 20-30min to see it.
  • Dealette
    Great little museum. A visit here allowed us to understand the different indigenous people of this area. It's a must see!
  • SasaB782
    Small nice museum in the center of Ushuaia. Nice set up with information boards, maps, maquettes and photo's/video. All information is available in english and spanish. Not a must visit,but if you have some spare time I would recommend going there.
  • Pokyyy
    Good representation of the history. Not much to see from the observatory tower. Take the time to read the posters.
  • mid-evil
    Even though simple the expo gives an excellent idea of the life of the native Yamana. Highly recommanded.
  • eatydrinky
    This place is small but it's really interesting and worst visiting, especially if you're going to the Tierra del Fuego national park. I learnt a lot.
  • giovannim690
    It's a small museum, collecting material relative to the Yamana. It is a great place, a snapshot on a culture that is practically extinguished. Don't miss this opportunity.
  • MikeH705
    We visited this small museum to find out about the original inhabitants. There is a lot of information in a small space but it is well presented and gives a fascinating insight into a lost people.
  • DR99_01
    I really enjoyed this small museum.It's quite cheap, and only takes a few hours to visit - perfect while waiting for a ship of tour to depart.It offered a fascinating view of the world of the Yamana indigenous people - I can't believe they survived in such a cold place the way they did.Highly recommended.
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