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museo maritimo del presidio de ushuaia

museo maritimo del presidio de ushuaia

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The Prison at the End of the World,as a correctional facility was closed...


    结束南极精彩的行程后,我来到"世界的尽头"乌斯怀亚。由于搭乘游轮前来,只能短短停留4的半小时。原本想跟随TOUR去搭乘搭世界尽头的火车,但发现这个行程并没有受到多数网友推荐,因此取消,只在市区逛逛。市中心主要是两条平行大街MAIPU和SAN MARTIN,几乎都是贩卖纪念品的小店,往右到尽头就是军事区,监狱和海事博物馆都在此。我买票进去参观,海事博物馆不特别,我个人觉得监狱博物馆比较吸引人。这个监狱的放射状构造跟北海道的网走监狱很像,都是为了便于监控管理,记录了人类历史上曾经把罪犯和异议者丢往荒芜"世界尽头"的时代。光是在监狱中,回想过去的生活,缅怀历史人物,那种氛围带来的感触就很有收获。没想到监狱的卖店很大,纪念品的品质也不错,买齐了此行想带给亲友的纪念品,也算是另一大收获吧!
  • 03Val48
    If you are in Ushuaia, this museum deserves a quick look as it will give you a feel for the history of the area and the hardships endured by the early settlers and the prisoners who were brought here and who had to build their own prison.
  • AliceS943
    It's well prepared and give a good overiview on Ushuaia history. The building it self is worth the visit. Ideal place where to spend a cold afternoon.
  • rollngstone
    Stop here was included in our Lindblad Expedition; interesting, massive amount of information so we could not get to all of it. Fascinating presentations in the cells about the history. Art gallery section easy to find (it was ok), but almost missed the untouched prison cell section --- make sure that you go through that, great photo ops, and you can go upstairs too.
  • pttbw
    Well worth a visit to this small complex of museums covering the original end of the world prison and the maritime history of this region which sits at the foot of the American continent. a central hall on each of two floors radiates out into historic pavilions (within each individual cell) art gallery, history of Antarctic expeditions and navigation through the region. usual gift shop selling everything from tee shirts to you penguins.
  • mitch507
    Very educational and informative Really learned a lot and presented wellOne section left untouched in the prison and loved itThe Antarctic section really good prior to the trip
  • Zivtiv
    Small and informative. The movie was interesting and I learned a lot about the area. Also display of wild life.
  • BrianB176
    We visited the Museum on February 24. It was a pleasant surprise. Lots of detail on the prison laid out in cells. Much of the descriptions and stories are in English as well as Spanish. There is also a section of the museum that is the actual prison cells, unchanged from the original prison-i.e. not restored or anything. You could easily miss this section as the entrance is near the back and is not obviously marked. In fact, we thought maybe it wasn't open to the public but when we checked the door it was open. The bottom level is the unrestored cells, including the latrine and shower area that you can walk through. There is an upper level as well and you can walk up there but cannot go through the cells. Apparently we weren't the only ones that almost missed this as we saw no one else in this section while we were there. Cost was $13 US for each person-well worth it. We had several hours to kill between hotel check out (Cilene del Faro) and boarding our ship. You can spend 1-3 hours easily in the museum.I am not a big museum person but I really enjoyed this one-more than Alcatraz which i have visited several times.
  • nandudu
    We were very pleased with this visit and we stayed other there more than two hours. The museum deals with plenty of subjects, from the history of the prison itself to the maritime expeditions in the area. The guided tour was great; do not miss them (in spanish only).
  • Fridaylove
    We loved this museum, that is set in an old prison so each arm of the prison is a different aspect of history of this region. There were many things to see, and we could focus on what we were interested in, so didn't have to look at everything. There is a great collection of the maritime history of this part of the world to give a good idea of the ships that came here and the explorers that braved the conditions to get to this part of the world. The Antarctic section is well done, with the old prison cells used to highlight a different country's history in Antarctica. We learnt about explorers, ships, museums, contribution to research and many more facts. Loved the museum ship and thought is was great value.
  • Umekita
    The museum has potential to be better. Nevertheless, in a rainy day it is a good option to spend time. There is a locker in which you can store your packback.
  • nfarmer13
    Situated a short hike up a road at the end of the town this museum is easy to find (signage is good). Outside are some metal figures portraying prisoners which are very good.Inside the building is split into sections and it takes a fair time to do it all justice. There are individual displays in the upstairs cells and you really get a feeling of what it must have been like to have been a prisoner here. (Modern day prisoners eat your hearts out and stop complaining!)All of the exhibits are excellent and have English sub titles. I spent well over an hour in here and it wasn't enough (but the place was closing and I was only there for that day)Good gift shop in the old Post Office upstairs...with a resident grey cat!Well worth a visit and learn about how it all used to be.
  • skyhawk13
    You start with some maritime exhibits but you should bypass these and head for the cell blocks especially the old original one. There are five wings but only a couple are open and one has been turned into a very good art gallery.
  • KarinEmma
    Going back in time to see how the prisoners lived. You will also find other interesting exhibits of the past as well as present art collections.
  • robin600
    Well presented and interesting. Was worth spending couple of hours here on wet day and then have really nice lunch
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