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beagle channel

beagle channel

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Soaring white-capped peaks and icy water characterize the harsh but wildly...


  • AdventurerJudy
  • lisaflow
  • bertk629
  • JRWalker
  • nittypiti
    天气是无法预测的,不论是好天气或下雨天都是一个不错的tour,现在这个时候可以看到很大量的企鹅及海象,还会经过世界最南端的灯塔。 很不错的旅程。
  • 151timr
    Take a tour of the Channel to see wildlife and birds up very close. The boats get with in a few feet of seals, sea lions and many varieties of birds
  • Antbrearton
    The trip to the Antarctic Circle on board Sea Adventurer (Quark Expeditions) began with a voyage down Beagle Channel to access Drake's Passage.The views along the channel are superb and well worth noting!A great start to a great trip!
  • 938juani
    We did this ride with Leo and Maxi in the "El Che", and we were only 10 instead of a huge Catamaran with 80 people.....what else can I say. Besides that, Maxi has so vast knowledge about everything related to the region and to bilogy that the ride is like a lecture on nature.
  • Marcus_Coltro
    Road is rough, but worth the drive to the end to the Naval Precture. Just do not drive there on the winter time....
  • charlotte2trot
    Beeing at the end of a continent with Darwin's journal in the hand (be prepared to some surprises in what you'll read there, especially about the 'Nativos' and how he had a hard time with sea sickness), and traveling with any excursion boat down the Beagle canal, you might very well have the thrill of your life. Take close ups of lazy seals and birds looking straight down your lens. Great memories garantied! And do have some local specialty in the restaurants: spider crab.
  • AndreSaoPaulo61
    Fascinating place, wonderful nature, great foodWell worth going so farNavigating the Beagle canal in a sunny day is a unique experience
  • MariaS969
    We took a tour that took us to the Beagle Channel by boat. We enjoyed the navigation time, seeing the sea lions, the Lighthouse and the many birds on the rocks. The only negative is the crowds on the boat & the fact that we couldn't listen to anything the guide was saying on the microphone because of the noise of people & the boat engines. That was a bummer, the rest was pretty good. Perhaps there is a smaller tour that could be arranged. That could be better.
  • tri168
    Sailing down the Beagle Channel in glacier alley and passing in front of these 5 glaciers (Holanda, Italia, Francia, Alemania, Romanche) is just so spectacular and definitely one of the highlights of my trip. The scenery is grandiose, peaceful and unique. Glacier alley is also of historical importance as it was described in details by Charles Darwing during his 5-year voyage on the HMS Beagle. Ushuaia bay is nice but to me glacier alley is really the most beautiful part of the Beagle Channel. All the glaciers are on the northern shore of the channel.
  • JimD2001
    Find a tour company and go! The Beagle Channel is full of all sorts of cool critters, and the views are amazing. Just do it already! It can be quite chilly though, so bring warm clothing no matter what. Wind Chill!
  • konstantink386
    I visited Ushuaia for 2 days only and I should have seen the best of what I could get there.Canal Fun http://canalfun.com/ offered "Gable Island" tour, the most encompassing full day tour in Ushuaia. It is quite costly ($1990.- argentine pesos, plus $140 pesos.- for the entrance fee to Harberton Ranch.) but I could see the best attractions of the land.With group of 8 people, we visited the Beagle Channel, estancia Harberton and the penguin rookery at Martillo island. We were on a point there there were lots of trees bent by sivere southern winds. We went hiking, navigating, and canoed down a river then we picked up our canoes and brought them to the sea (10 meters) and visited a rock with sea bird rookeries. Some penguins accompanied us on our way to the rock.The visit of penguens rookery at Martillo island by a motoboat was amazing. Theese curious creatures came very very close to our motorboat to be taken a picture. We even saw king pingues in their breeding lair!Tracking through Tierra del Fuego was unforgettable too. We saw beaver lodges, dams and a beaver itself, nice trees and amazing plants. Panaramic views was maverlouse!
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