My passion for ancient stone idols must explain the high ranking of this attraction regardless poor condition of some of the idols. The so-called «baba» are relatively abundant in Ukraine, most notable being by the Scythians and the Cumans. Five Scythian and one Cuman baba’s gathered in the small public garden next to the Kirovohrad Lore Museum as well as the sixth Scythian idol in the museum’s courtyard date back to VI-IV century BC. The museum also owns a neolithic anthropomorphous stella and a Srubna (pre-Scythian) culture sarcophagus, but these are exhibited separately. Kirovohrad collection can hardly compete in number with the outstanding gathering of the Dnipropetrovsk Lore Museum (over 80 baba’s of different cultures), or in scenic location with Kremenets Mountain idols in Izyum. But as a rich Scythian era stone collection (with 5 Scythian statues in Dniropetrovsk, Kirovohrad owns 6) it is unique. Some carving details are remarkable and well preserved. The granite statues were moved from their excavation sites centuries ago: three of them - in XVIII-XIX century, the others - in late XX. Unfortunately, their open-air location does not contribute too well to their condition. The impacts of weather and vandal human touch are devastating. So better hurry up seeing them before they are gone for good. Even if you are not too interested in ancient history, at least cast a glimpse at this little public garden while walking from the Goldenberg balneary towards the Lore museum. This unique open-air exhibition is free of charge.
обычные каменные глыбы, есть небольшие очертания "бабы". Но мало кто знает, что к чему. Интересно больше для историков и этнографов. А так стоят себе возле музея краеведческого и никто внимания не обращает..
Раньше вокруг них был приличный ажиотаж.А вообще не особой примечательны, можно и просто пройти мимо не поняв, что это такое.