İts so close to rynok and its a pretty big and nice museum.. You can enjoy your time there pretty easily.. Dont forget to try cafes around as well..
I'll let you see other posts about the museum. Just outside though, in the dry moat, they have set up mini eateries, selling traditional local dishes such as Plov and Shashlik, as well as a variety of wines, spirits and liqueurs to wash it all down with. Make use of the indoor area to eat, and the clean modern bathrooms too
Barely notable admission fee, not bad collection of any weapon which was found by local archaeologists inside, nice looking building to see, several authentic restaurants nearby.One of traditional place to show to friends who are first time in L'viv so should be included into 'must see' list for first time L'viv visitors, at least from rest of the ExUSSR.
Great museum! Lots of weapons and artilleries used during WWII and WWI. Shows how weapons can be deathly at the same time as it shows the history of the museum.
Actually, I am not a guy that impressed with the guns, but this museum provides an impressive knowledge for the medieval and new age weapons. The museum is categorized very good. You should visit it if you will spend more than two days in Lviv.
This museum is a very good surprise in Lviv again. Even if you are not a freak of weapons, you will be interested by the exhibits. Entrance fee is low again : 10 Hr. That said, there is no air inside so be prepared to feel the heat and to perspire...
This is one of my favorite museums in Lviv. First of all it's located in the part of an old fortification wall and gives an amazing feel of the old city of the lion. You can see many weapons found in and around the city from many periods spanning all of almost 800 year history of Lviv city. Go and see it yourself, you will love it!
Located straight east of Rynok Square and in the Jewish quarter, the Arsenal Museum was a pleasant surprise. Two floors of exhibits needed about 40 minutes for a fast paced visit. The museum highlights weaponry from various countries and eras, many left behind by L'viv's invaders. Impressively arranged in display cases, there are English descriptions. The impressive sculpture of the Archangel Michael Defeating Satan in inside the museum.
Ook voor kinderen best een leuk museum al zijn er wel veel martelwerktuigen en dergelijke te zien. Leuk als je wat tijd over hebt.
Сам музей в норме, достаточно неплохая коллекция, но ничего особенного по сравнению с европейскими музеями оружия. Зато по вечерам в подвале очень интересный клуб с качественной музыкой. Был на концерте и на дискотеке, оба раза понравилось. На дискотеку вход был по 100 гривен, но с карточкой Локаль бесплатный. Рекомендую.
Мы опоздали в музей, хотя и внешне и во дворе есть на что посмотреть. Зато зашли в Ресторан Мяса и Свободы и .. зависли. Ребенок лазил на детской прощадке, 7 видов обжарки стейка, хорошая компания знакомых львовьян, пиво после длинной дороги. Высокие стены арсенала. Жаль, что не пришли чуть раньше. А так хорошо было бы, после музея - в ресторан:).
Прекрасная выставка! И всего за 10 грн! К тому же внизу расположен рынок уличной еды, очень необычно и вкусно!
уникальная подборка оружия разных времен и народов. особенно впечатлила пушка в виде рыбы! нигде такого не встречала.
Очень понравилась коллекция холодного оружия-на осмотр потратили два часа,Можно заказать экскурсовода.