沿着这条街走是一件很幸福的事情,尤其是在夏天的时候,这儿有当地居民、有外国人、学生、街头的音乐家,等等等等。街不长,一面是高尔基纪念碑,另一面是克林姆宫。这儿有各式各样的餐厅和咖啡馆,你在这儿随便问个人让他说一个下诺夫哥罗德的街道,那肯定是Bolshaya Pokrovskaya街道。来自莫斯科的人喜欢把这条街和阿尔巴特对比,强烈推荐。
波克罗夫卡大街是下诺夫哥罗德州中心景点。该街长达21公里,有超过1公里的人行道。'波克罗夫卡'是对“ Bolshaya Pokrovskaya”的缩写。他们都这么称呼它。这条街道是以很久之前就坐落在这条街的一座教堂命名的——这座教堂为圣母求过情。这座著名的街道到底有什么有趣的地方?好吧,首先我要介绍的是这里有许多商店、咖啡厅、餐馆、纪念品店还有许多地方如果你想要了解俄罗斯文化就要花上大笔的银子:)接下来要介绍的是一些不同寻常的雕塑。你在这条街上随处都能见到雕塑。你不会看不到他们的,因为总是有人排着队要跟这些雕像合影。我在下面附上一些照片,所以你会明白我讲的是那个雕塑。街上还有许多博物馆——下诺夫哥罗德的艺术工艺品历史博物馆、木偶剧场、俄罗斯摄影博物馆、植物博物馆“尤科夫卡”,展览室“波克罗夫卡8”“克拉多夫卡”如果你从米尼恩和波扎尔斯基广场出发的话,那么你的终点是高尔基广场。这里还有一个小公园中途可以休息。如果你想吃点东西的话,距离你几步之外就有一家麦当劳。
A brick walkway starts near Gorky Square and leads through attractive buildings which retain classical facades, but with modern and comfortable interiors, ending at the Kremlin, near the river Volga. Statues of a pleasant character recall past eras where dress and manners were more elegant. Street musicians play nice music (traditional Russian, modern, etc.) even in winter. Altogether a pleasant place to spend a few hours, or even a few days.
Like in other Russian cities this is a long walking street, where you can meet contrasting old and modern buildings, expensive cafes and shops, some original sculptures and plenty of souvenirs sellers. Definitely it is worth to stroll along, but won't give you an ecstasy of feelings.
The beat place to visit in Nizhny, simply WOW. It has everything, brand shops, souvenirs, land marks, monuments and statues, restaurants and cafes, whatever you wish for. I walked there for several hours without a second of boredom. This is the first place to visit. Also on weekend mornings there were many fun activities, also for little children, and some small shops. Go there once you arrive to NN and have fun
You can`t miss Pokrovka on your visit to Nizhny no way, this is the only historical center pedestrian area in Nizhny where you can have good food and buy quality souvenirs, a straight line approx 40 -60 min walk long between the Kremlin area and Gorky square. They keep renovating the old palaces over there so the place looks good, among the most interesting picture sites I would name The Palace of Labour ( today housing the Regional Court, that`s a massive tower-like yellow building just by the Kremlin, used to house the Duma City Council before revolution), in the middle of the street by the tram line you may see the old Nizhny Aristocracy House (today private ownership building housing some kind of community club), the Drama theatre by a German architect, and the impressive Central Bank building - n case you want to know more city picture albums are available at the bookstore close to Gorky square, the upper store of the same has a cosy Biblioteka cafe - a hint for a coffee and strudel to reward you for the long walk. You actually need no guide to explore Pokrovka, it`s full of English speaking students at all times))
A walk along the main street of this beautiful city is an event worth making happen. You want it and you get it here...Cafes, Bars etc. It has quite a few huge souvenir shops with an elaborate collection to make your visit memorable.
A walk from Gorky Square along this street towards the Kremlin is very enjoyable. Great buildings, surprise statures, great view of the Kremlin building.Along the street there is the greatest shop of souveneers and folk-made gifts worth spending time in, as many different areas of folk-art are presented in that store. Also there are trendy cafes and restaurants, bars and shops.
Lovely street with lovely buildings, restaurants and bars. Happy people walking the street at all times of the day with a really nice vibe to the place.
It is necessarily to walk down this street on foot. This is the story of the city, ancient architecture, shops and restaurants. This streets goes to the Kremlin, where it is possible to continue the tour.
The street is an amazing architectural treasure and houses many interesting shops, cafes and restaurants. During the summer months, a number of restaurants and bars provide outdoor seating, which makes for a very relaxed feel.
a typical touristic street which you find in every town, with some shops, bars, cafe`s and restaurants, we especially liked the iron goat ))) It leads exactly to the Kremlin, so we took a nice homemade lemonade in one of the Pokrovskaya coffee-shops after finishing our excursion over there.