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military marine museum

military marine museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • AnthonyS176
    check out the many guns on show.See the submarine shell.take a tour of the mine shipsee the 2 bullets that collided in mid air.
  • Leeds1013
    We visited on Turkish Victory day. Young men completing their mandatory military service were guides to all visitors that day. They showed us one of the naval vessels and a film of the Galipolli campaign which showed the positions of vessels for both sides of the battle. Much pride in how the Turks maintained their independence after WWI despite the outcome of the world.
  • CristianS_11
    ...nice quiet place to visit. A museum where adults and childrens can relax, observe and learn lot of things about military equipment from the early twentieth century
  • mihaelac_11
    The museum is situated next to the port and is in open air. There is no fee to visit it. The objects exhibited there were recovered from the ships on the botom of the sea. Also, on the floor of the museum there is interesting information regarding ships, date of sinking, etc. I hope you'll enjoy the museum at least as much as I did.
  • 123HELENA123
    The museum has the usual very interesting artefacts showing many rounds , water bottles mainly everyday things a soldier would own. Also a wooden cross, letters from soldiers both British and Turkish soldiers and many other objects to see. There is also a film depicting the Battle in Gallipoli we know as The Great War, which saw the deaths of many Soldiers , Sailors and Airman. After you have been given an audio handset you witness different events as you are moved round from one room to another and told what happened. It is well done though I feel it is more of a propaganda film. At the end of it there are a few Turkish hospital tents and were bombed as the handset tells you but.... there is no evidence of this and also the bombing wound NOT have taken place and a Christian nurse , would she have had been there ? Not sure on that one. Please note there are lots of loud bangs etc during the film show . The other museum that was that area had many photos etc shame they weren't on show.
  • 880_smailk
    Çanakkale ziyaret edilipte, Askeri Deniz Müzesi görülmeden geçilmez. Tüm tarih bilgiler, kalıntı ve belgeler yerinde görülerek Çanakkale deniz savaş ve zaferlerini daha iyi anlayabiliriz.
  • 907yasinb
    Çanakkaleye giderseniz mutlaka ugrayin güzel bir müze özellikle çocukları götürmek gerek. Nusret mayın gemisini de görebilirsiniz
  • huriyeozturk
    Çanakkale savaşı ile anlatılanlara bir adım daha yaklaşmak demek. Askerlerden kalanlar, günlük kullandıkları, belki kalan özel eşyaları.. Tüylerinizi diken diken edecek ve Çanakkaleye gittiyseniz mutlaka görmelisiniz. Ancak bu bölgeye daha fazla özen gösterilmeli. Türkiye'nin en çok turist çeken yerlerinden biri olmasına karşın yetersizlikler var.
  • zeynoy
    Çanakkale'ye varıp Eceabat'a geçtiğinizde mutlaka ziyaret etmeniz gereken bir yer.bu müzede sadece savaşa ait kalıntılar yok.bunun yanında oradaki askerlerin günlük yaşamlarında kullandıkları eşyalar da var.Çatal,kaşık,su matarası hatta askerlerin üzerinden çıkan Kuranlar İnciller...Müze Eceabat'ın Seddülbahir Köyü'nde.(Giriş ücreti 3 tl.)
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