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seeschloss ort

seeschloss ort

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MarcosTraveler
    The castle is beautiful: http://microstock.pl/travel/index.php/castle-orth-in-upper-austria/If you decide to visit don't just visit the castle itself, you need to go to lakefront paths to see its beauty against the Alps!
  • 149sheenad
    We were heading from Bad Ischl to Steyr and happened upon this beautiful little castle. It can only be visited via a long wooden bridge ( pedestrian only ). The day was clear and the water crystal. It was the perfect setting for what was to happen next. A majestic horse drawn carriage drew up at the bridge entry. The horses wore tall white plumes and seated behind the driver was a beautiful bride. Picture complete. The castle itself is small and quaint with a centre courtyard. Worth a look
  • 685susia
    There is an annual christmas market in the old-fashioned style in the castle. There are candles and fires and choirs and artisans and craftsmen. Recommendable for the old and the young. Just very crowded.
  • maxim_bobin
    Very nice white castle. The restaraunt (opening at 11:30) is great. The museum is tiny, but nice. Definitely must see in Gmunden
  • BaronFoer
    Nestled in the mountains on an island on the lake there is quite a bit of history here. You will love the view but will need someone to show you all the interesting points. We were fortunate and had someone with us so we got to wander all around it. The views out over the lake are great. It is just south of Gmunden so very easy to find. There was no admission fee for us and I don't believe they ever charge. If you like to check out some historic places this is easy to get to and interesting. It will also show you a high water mark for the lake which was interesting. If you find this helpful please mark it so.Berny
  • michal099
    Nice castle surrounded by the lake, with beautiful panorama on Gmunden and other towns and mountains. Obvious point of your visit in Gmunden!
  • sandra682
    This is a pretty schloss sitting on a small island about a 20 minute walk from the center of town on the esplanade. There's a chapel, a small museum, and a ritzy-looking restaurant.
  • Marcela12
    An interesting place to see, there is a courtyard and some old chambers. You can watch a film about the area. There is no admission fee, you can walk free in the museum which is basically a couple of old chambers on the groundfloor.There was a summer school on the first floor and there is a restaurant in the courtyard so all in all there is not much to see but on a nice day you will have a lot of beautiful photos. Definitely worth a short visit. There is a huge car park close to the castle which is free so why not pop in if you like historical buildings.
  • Hans_Staden
    You can see Schloss Ort from nearly everywhere in GMunden, but if you're not an addict of an obscure TV-series that was produced there, there is no apparent reason to go there.
  • AnitaBev
    Schools Ort is a very unique structure, on it's own little island, reachable by a wooden bridge. This is a free attraction, and interesting for those that enjoy historical buildings. It seems to be a popular site for weddings and receptions. Basically, it is an open courtyard, with one interior space to view, the chapel. All other rooms on both floors, were locked. The gift shop was nice.
  • davidsU5177KK
    Das Seeschloss Ort ist malerisch gelegen im Traunsee. Von Gmunden aus kann man gemütlich am Ufer des Traunsees zum Seeschloß spazieren. Im angeschlossenen Cafe lässt sich gemütlich eine Pause einlegen bevor man den Schlosspark erkundet. Auf jeden Fall einen Ausflug wert.
  • upsilon59
    En partant de l'esplanade de Gmunden, le château vaut le coup d'œil notamment pour les superbes vues sur le Traunsee et offre prétexte à une agréable promenade quand on loge près de Gmunden.On peut visiter le château (très petit toutefois) mais il était fermé en février.
  • gaho1958
    Wir hben uns das Schloss angesehen es gab einen wunderschömem Adventzauber, Alles war sehr schön geschmückt, es war natürlich viel los, bei so einem schönen Wetter. Auch auf dem See die Krippe, und der Adventkranz waren sehr schön. Man kann sogar bis auf den Grund sehen so klar war das Wasser. Nach dem Adventmarkt fuhren wir noch mit dem kleinen Bimmelzug nach Gmunden. Am Hauptplatz gab es einen Flohmarkt, den wir bestaunten, danach sind wir wieder mit dem Zug zum Ausgangspunkt zurück gefahren, es war ein wunderschöner Ausflugstag.
  • ChristianT_13
    Da ich hier in Gmunden geboren wurde und seit 15 Jahren in der Schweiz lebe zieht es mich immer wieder in diese atemberaubende wunderschöne Gegend. Es ist jedesmal ein Erlebniss über die Brücke zu gehen, vielleicht gibt es auch mal eine Hochzeit wer weiss
  • 422nataliyaa
    Небольшой живописный замок на острове, к острову от берега ведёт мост. Добраться из Гмундена можно пешком вдоль берега озера, очень симпатичные виды открываются с набережной на замок на фоне гор. Ещё из центра к замку ходит паровозик, и кораблики, причаливающие прямо к острову. Есть варианты комбинированных билетов на посещение замка и проезд. А вот в окрестностях замка подойти к воде и полюбоваться видами оказалось проблематично, большинство территорий с частями берега в частном владении и недоступны для посетителей.
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