当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >欧洲 >奥地利 >萨尔茨堡 >萨尔茨堡要塞


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    This amazing 11th-century castle overlooks Salzburg from a hill on the...


  • 老王和老马
  • zhangmao
  • sdlcxp
    如果这是你第一次参观的城堡,你可能会很惊奇.但是你去过类似新天鹅堡之类的城堡,那这可能就没那么新奇.不过要塞上面的风景非常漂亮,不论是白天或是晚上,都值得一看.但是要塞内展示的东西,就不是那么有趣.一些枪砲,古文物.比起其他皇宫内展示的东西,惊奇度略差.但来Salzberg,就一定要上来看一看!!记得买Salzberg card,这样你就可以免费参观许多景点.绝对超值!
  • 匿名
    参观完萨尔茨堡主座大教堂,我们便向萨尔茨堡要塞走去。萨尔茨堡要塞(Festung Hohensalzburg):位于城堡山上,长250米、宽150米,是欧洲最大的中世纪城堡之一,始建于1077年,在其漫漫历史中,从未被攻陷。可乘缆车或步行,在城堡可俯瞰萨尔茨堡全景。不想走路的童鞋可以从Festungsgasse出发坐缆车直达城堡。(需要购缆车+门票的套票)我们看看时间尚早,决定步行上山,顺便“燃烧”一下这几天的高热量 城堡门口遇到一队国外的夏令营,孩子们都带着着绿领巾,安静有序地排队入内参观。萨尔茨堡要塞有游客中心同时提供免费的中文的语音导览器(这个费用其实应该是含在门票中了),让我们对萨尔茨堡有了更好的了解,跟随导览器游完一周,大家都听得津津有味。蜿蜒的萨尔茨河将萨尔茨堡分为老城区和新城区,在灿烂的阳光下极目远眺,几乎将萨尔茨堡尽收眼底,萨尔茨河静静流过,偶尔传来教堂的钟声,刹那间仿若时光流转,穿越回中世纪的时光……
  • pte7
  • goodgenes5
  • blackbinbags
  • Foster32
    你一定要来。这里真的物超所值。景色没的说,漂亮。有趣的历史(这里有不同时期的建筑)。你会对16世纪的生活有一个好的印象(远远好于伦敦塔)。顺便说一句 - 跳过the Cafe Panorama。那得食物不值得那个价格。
  • unclepaull
  • RonR80
    A wonderful place and a must visitbif you're in Salzburger, really worth the short walk. The view from the top is absolutely pictorial, and there is free wifi connection all around the site! So kids can be occupied if needed.
  • gregknox98
    A visit to Salzburg would be not complete without a stop. You can take the elevator to the top. But I suggest to walk so not to miss some of the views over the old town of Salzburg. Enjoy some of the most beautiful views from a top. There are some nice restaurants and cafes with beautiful views of the Austrian country side.
  • O9521USdavids
    we walked to the Fortress. It become more impressive as you get closer. 11.50 € for each adult with lift ticket. Amazing panoramic views of the city. Well laid out for self tour. English version on most presentations. Clean toilets available. Multiple restaurants. Much larger inside than I originally realized. A few shops available. A shop at exit that sells jewelry, but when I asked about its sentimental value, there did not seem to be a connection to the fortress. Just a sellable item.
  • sbshukla1
    1000's of pics one can find of this amazingly beautiful castle. A fortress to be precise. Historically important place and it silently tells you the brave Austrians who built this fortress. A classic example of monolithic architecture.
  • ghostie270158
    We walked rather than use the funicular - excellent views of the city as well as the history associated with the fortress.
  • 300davidh300
    Great place to explore and see Salzburg and it's surroundings. The exhibitions make great use of technology to give clarity to its history.
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