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neresheim abbey

neresheim abbey

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Asta365
    Neresheim Abbey is a stunning late baroque church that compares favorably with better known churches of this period. While not as flamboyant as many other baroque churches, the interior is beautifully proportioned: The significant scale of the church never overwhelms you. Ceiling paintings are masterful, harmoniously sequenced from the rear of the church to the altar. It is difficult to get a really good perspective on the facade given the siting of the church, but again, as with the interior, the exceptional size of the facade and the bell towers appear balanced and well proportioned. The abbey church is in excellent condition; one is really taken with the beauty of the clean, crisp, white plasterwork. All of and the remaining buildings of the complex appear to also be in good repair. i was unable to link up with the tour of the abbey. I also enjoyed looking around the grounds to include the cemetery. In addition to the expected graves of many monks, there are rustic graves for a group of Slovenes who died in the WWII time period; I have been unable to get the background on these burials through an internet search. As it was a tad early for lunch, I did not try the new wine and onion tart that was the special of the day at the abbey's refectory and regret that decision.
  • Oudtshoornballooning
    We spent a long time in chuch to see everything. No tour groups so lots of space. NO Entrance free. Unfortunately no photos allowed.
  • sanCyprus
    Especially for those interresting for holy places and religious is an interresting place very huge and great view in the german nature! Although I learnt that there are not many monks inside the monastery today is very beautiful and I would recommend a small time visit if it's in your way or you would like to make a pause driving along the "Autobahn" Stouttgart-Ulm..Also heart that concerts are taking place during summer season but don't no more details...
  • B_E_9999
    beeindruckend thront die Abteikirche über der Stadt Neresheim. Beeindruckend die gesamte Klosteranlage. Die Besichtigung der Abteikirche ist kostenlos. Dieses Bauwerk mit den fantastischen Deckengemälden zieht einem in seinen Bann - es herrscht eine besondere Atmosphäre in der riesigen hellen einmaligen Kirche, ein Werk von Balthasar Neumann. Es werden Führungen durch die Abteikirche und durchs Klostermuseum angeboten - hier bitte die Webseite des Klosters beachten. Eine Führung durchs Klostermuseum zeigt die interessante wechselvolle Geschichte/Entwicklung der renovierten Klosteranlage und einige sehenswerte Räume.Das Klosterhospiz bietet Unterkunft mit einer guten Klostergaststätte, gegenüber dem Klostertor gibt es einen Hofladen.
  • enrsam
    Bellissima abbazia che domina la cittadina di Neresheim. Affreschi stupendi e una percepibile atmosfera di candore dato dal bianco delle pareti. Splendido l'organo
  • Adventure-UE60
    Von aussen schon beeinduckend, ein Besuch der Kiche ist ein Muß! Dieses Spätwerk Balthasar Neumanns beeinduckt mit sieben Kuppelräumen und einem lateinischen Kreuzgrundriß, der übrigens auf dem (alten) 50 DM Schein zu sehen war. Wer in der Gegnd ist oder eine Pause bei einer Fahrt auf der A7 (Abfahrt Aalen - Oberkochen - Richtung Neresheim) machen möchte - kann es nur empfehlen! Es gibt auch eine Klostergaststätte und einen kleinen Verkauf des Hofgutes.
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