This Cistercian monastery has wonderful views over the surrounding countryside as it's set high on a hill. The ascent via road is the best way to get there but there are countless steps up to the monastery from way below if you want to take the pilgrimage.The church is only small but worth a look and does have some nice photo opportunities. We had one of the handful (ie four) of remaining monks talk to us and he gave a short organ recital which was interesting. He seemed to do a lot of the work around the place including the cooking. He's the youngest monk - at 72yo!There is a restaurant/café, though, that caters for tourists. There is inside and outside seating available. The apple pie is to die for.There are some nice garden areas - only small - but worth a wander. And you will see the headstones of a number of the earlier monks.A nice sojourn if you have some spare time and like to see nice views of the countryside.
Since 1986 owned by Main-Tauber (Germany). Of the hostels monastery buildings different settings, also the religious seat of the Congregation since 2000 "Missionariorum a Sancta Familia" (MSF, missionaries of the Holy Family). Established as a foundation in 1151 by the four Billung von edelvrijen (free Knights) Sigebot von Zimmern, Erlebold von Lindenfels, Krenzheim and von Beringer Gamburg and was probably a donation of the castrum brunnebach at the request of Bernhard von Clairvaux. In 1525 during the Peasants get monastery looted and damaged. Secularization in 1802, new owner was Prince Dominik Konstantin von Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. The last died in 1859 as pastor of Bronnbacher Cistercian Miltenberg, Heinrich Göbhardt, the last Abbot, returned to his hometown of Bamberg. 1222, Abbey Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, at least 7 construction periods. In Interior: baroque altars (Balthasar Esterbauer and Oswald Onghers), Rococo altars in corridors, majestic choir stalls (Schloss Bronnbach a friar), above the main entrance organ (1896, organ builder Martin Joseph Schlimbach), high altar with painting "Inclusion of Mary in heaven", Gothic confessionals, Western added late 19th century two-storey Gallery.
Kloster Bronnbach lohnt immer einen Besuch. Aber eine Führung durch Kloster und Festsaal steigert das Vergnügen. Anschließend in den Biergarten und die Vinothek.
Das Kloster lohnt einen Besuch auf jeden Fall, die Kirche, der Kreuzgang und die sehr schön restaurierten Räume sind sehenswert. Im Sommer sitzt man ganz entspannt im Biergarten, Weinliebhaber finden im Klosterladen eine ausgezeichnete Auswahl. Ob mit dem Auto, Fahrrad oder zu Fuß unterwegs ein Stop in Bronnbach lohnt sich.
Wer in Franken reist, muss diesen Ort gesehen haben. Mitten in einer lieblichen hügeligen Landschaft ist das Dorf Bronnbach mit dem sehr sehenswerten Kloster. Die Sanierung ist ganz hervorragend gelungen - alt und neu, Geschichte und Modernität verbinden sich aufs Beste. Außerdem kann man im Kloster in einfachen, aber sehr geschmackvollen Räumen übernachten - zu einem Superpreis! Vorher anrufen, um Öffnungszeiten zu erfahren.