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  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • GlobalCitizen_2011
    The university museum and student's jail is right there on a side street in the Hauptstrasse and very easy to miss among so many shops. However, once inside, you forget the hustle and bustle of the market and are taken back in time. The place was used to imprison university students who were creating too much ruckus :-). It was really funny to see the graffiti made by the students - which was all they could do once inside. Some of the things written there were to explain why the student was put in the jail (like having thrown a stone at some university official!). (A friend accompanying me translated them for me..). Definitely worth a visit for a cloudy/cold day in Heidelberg, when you don't want to be on the streets :-)..
  • 328BrianS
    There are a number of excellent museums in Heidelberg and surrounds and we visited this one afternoon by change when strolling around the station. It is some distance from the old town, about 2 kilometres, and is relatively quite with few visitors. Displays were interesting and the history of the university well covered.The graffiti left by imprisoned students was impressive and took some time to slowly scan, read and appreciate.
  • pinkypoo2007
    when you want to see where the old students were imprisoned in olden days and left their gratify - THIS IS TEH PLACE TO BE ... very interesting .. should be enjoyed with a tour guide...
  • kotabineko
  • YuriH1966
    Интересное местечко, в котором "есть надпись и на русском языке" :)Весьма познавательно для тех, кому интересен быт студентов.
  • simonm158
    Hier sieht man wie gebildet und wortgewandt die Studenten früher waren und welche Künstler unter ihnen waren
  • Irina_Sharipoff
    Довольно познавательно было побывать в студенческом карцере:) карцер является частью экспозиции университетского музея. Информация об истории этого места есть и на русском языке. Стоимость входного билета в музей 3 евро
  • AnjaT_11
    Gebäude liegt in einer Seitengasse der Fußgängerzone, relativ unscheinbar. In dem Gebäude wird man auf jedem Fleckchen Wand mit den politischen Gesinnungen, der Einstellung zu den "Schutzmännern" und den damaligen (bei den Studenten angeprangerten) Moralvorstellungen konfrontiert. Wirklich sehr sehens- und lesenswert.
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