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kaarma church of saints peter and paul

kaarma church of saints peter and paul

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Kaarma one-nave church was established in the second half of 13th century...


  • Filki
    We saw a lot of churches on Saaremaa, but this was one of the best. We were surprised, how the churches looked inside.
  • Noostie0831
    Christianity came late to Estonia, so a lot of the earliest churches date only to around the 1200s and contain pagan symbols inside. One of the coolest of these is the Kaarma Kirik. I have actually visited it twice, the first time because on the outside of the church is the oldest written example of the Estonian language. A plaque on the outside wall reads basically "In this year was this church completed. Peter and Paul in the year 1407." I went back to go inside the church to get a picture of one of the largest pentacles I have ever seen, and certainly one of the only ones I have seen in a church!
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