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st peter's english church

st peter's english church

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 705simonp
    The English Church continues to serve the English visitors that come to Zermatt both in summer and winter as it has done for over 150 years. The graveyard and also the monuments inside bear testament to the English love affair with this place and the mountains and are a key part of the history of not just Zermatt but also Alpine sports.Sunday services in season feel very special inn the almost unique church. ( There is another in Wengen.)Visiting ministers from UK stay for 2 weeks and run the church which is always very welcoming, so go to the Sunday 6.30 evening service to both enjoy the service and find out all about this special Church,
  • Babyduck_10
    This is a lovely peaceful church to visit in Zermatt. It is on Kirchstrasse so easy to find. The graveyard is also very interesting in that it has graves of many climbers killed on the Matterhorn.
  • 772maryw
    We have visited Zermatt many times winter and summer and St. Peter's Church is always a place we love to visit. It's a charming church and we have attended a couple of services there. The plaques on the walls tell the history of climbing in this area. What ever your belief do visit it .
  • yehright
    I went to Zermatt to visit this chapel. Coming up to the 150th Anniversary of the first ascent of the Matterhorn the body of Revd Hudson is buried under the high table. He was one of four killed on the way down.
  • Arty31
    This is a pretty little church, tucked away at the top of some steps ans set within pretty gardens. Clearly it is the 'lesser' denominational church, and whilst it is open and interesting, I didn'y see a soul at any time - visited twice during the week at went to the 6.30pm evensong - but each time there was no one around..
  • FormerExpat2014
    Quaint, charming church with an interesting history. May be difficult to access using most direct route from main street since road is so steep.
  • yogeva_13
    Very small and nice church, located just 2 minutes walk (steep) from the St Mauritius church.At sunday you can take a pray together with locals.
  • DPattersonInCH
    Really beautiful Church with wonderful frescos and amazing altar. Well worth the time to peak inside
  • SamZu
    This is worth a visit, conveniently located just behind the main street (Swiss Alpine Centre, Hotel Le Cervin). The history of climbers and building are interesting and Sunday services during main summer and winter seasons are a great way to meet people and hear a good service.
  • KeithI457
    Worth seeking out as a little hidden away [off the High Street behind the 'Swatch shop'].Simple interior has good stained glass and plaques to mountaineers.Weekly services by visiting team of pastors, who offer a warm welcome to the tourist who makes time for the services.
  • SergeLourie
    St Peter's Church in Zermatt is an English Church in the Alps. The foundation stone was laid in 1869 and it was opened in 1871, six year after the disastrous first ascent of the Matterhorn when four of the seven climbers fell to their deaths.The total cost of the church was £1575 largely collected from visiting British tourists and climbers. This beautiful church has played an important part in the history of Zermatt for over 140 years and has a visiting priest in the skiing season and during the Summer when there are a lot of English speaking tourists.The walls are lined with plaques dedicated to those who have died in the area, often of natural causes, but sadly also from mountain accidents. Under the alter are interred the bones of the English priest who died in that awful first ascent.Services take place on Sundays and I visited for an open house with mulled wine and nibbles on a Thursday in the skiing season at 18:00.The church is lovely and a visit is very moving. It is worth a visit.
  • sundgau
    Très bel église au centre de Zermatt à deux pas du musée Alpin.Nous vous conseillons de voir la belle Fontaine juste à la sortie droite de l'église avec de belles sculptures "bronze". Une visite de cette grande et imposante église s'impose !
  • directeur60
    een herinnering aan hen die de matterhorn beklommen met bijzondere gevelstenen binnen. Een fijne ruimte om je even te bezinnen en in je zelf te keren
  • Lggarcia1
    A igreja St Peter's é bem linda e fica no meio desta cidade tão charmosa que é Zermatt. Ficava ao lado do hotel que me hospedei. Vale conhecer.
  • JPSMoreira
    A Igreja Inglesa St Peter's em Zermatt ocupa um papel importante na história da aldeia. No século 19, os hóspedes ingleses constituíam a maior parte dos visitantes da vila e os planos para a construção da igreja surgiram juntamente e a primeira escalada do Matterhorn Em Julho de 1865, o alpinista britânico Edward Whymper completou a primeira escalada do Matterhorn. Dos sete homens que chegaram ao cume, apenas três voltaram para a aldeia. Quatro alpinistas, incluindo um sacerdote morreram na descida. O trágico fim para a primeira escalada do Matterhorn não fez nada para impedir a iniciativa de construir, mas na verdade fortaleceu ainda mais. A primeira pedra foi lançada em 1869, e o primeiro serviço ocorreu um ano depois, em 29 de junho de 1870. A igreja de tamanho médio sem ser espetacular é bastante singular, no seu interior existem inúmeras placas memoriais comoventes em memória de alpinistas que perderam a vida em Zermatt e nas suas montanhas. No exterior fica um cemitério dedicado em exclusivo aos alpinistas. A igreja fica bem situada, centro da vila e merece uma visita.
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