You must love the history of ships to get the full value. There are a few other interesting exhibits as well about cutting turf and life of the families of seafaring men but mostly it is all about the ships. The explanations are almost exclusively in Dutch and even those are not very elaborate. For instance, among the furniture of a captain there is a fireplace above which hangs a painting of a black Indian woman. No explanations given about who what when or where. Lots and lots of stairs.
Located in a beautiful, very old residence, this museum offers a fascinating trip back in time. Starting with a computer animated film, that takes one back to 1470, the museum has plenty to learn about the history of northern shipbuilding, trade and life on board. It even smells of wood and hard work. Not to miss.
The Tobacco museum has closed, but the Northern Maritime museum goes from strength to strength. The collection is of more than merely local interest, and the fascination with old boats and engines starts as you go into the courtyard through which you enter the museum. A great place to keep the kids amused, and for reminiscences.
Absolutely fascinating. Pity all the information was in Dutch and not also in English, but never the less, good value. Lots of stairs though! Didn't see the tobacco museum.
***At the time of visiting the Niemeijer Tobacco Museum had closed***The maritime museum has an excellent range of exhibits on all things sea (and canal) related.There is an excellent 20 minute film that runs on a continuous loop that shows what Groningen would have looked like in the 15th Century, whilst the commentary is only in Dutch you can still get a good feel for what the place would have been like
Nice historical overview of shipping in this part of the Netherlands. Shipping was big here and a lot of ship building was done and still is.
The Northern Maritime museum is located in two adjacent medieval buildings, connected by an elevated passage. Strolling through those buildings is really enough reason already to visit the museum, from small rooms into big rooms with ancient fireplaces over staircases into other rooms. The exhibits you encounter on your walk through the museum tell the story of shipping and shipbuilding through the ages. It is a must visit for everybody even remotely interested in ships. What I found most interesting (because I am an engineer) is the exhibit of late 19th and early 20th century maritime engines, mostly used for the inland navigation. You can admire the big one cylinder to three cylinder engines, and follow the evolution from steam to the hot bulb kerosene engine to real two stroke Diesel technology. Oh, I almost forgot. In a small theater located in a room just as you have entered the exhibition an computer animated history on a huge screen is shown in continuous loop of Groningen in 1470. Very interesting.
This is a nice museum that gives an interesting look at Groningen's past. They have a new exhibit called 'Groningen in 1470' that features an interactive tour of medieval Groningen.
Visit Holland! THEREFORE, visit Groningen! The province is always neglected in favour of Amsterdam.
The museum is housed is some old buildings that are connected by a lot of stairs. Going around the museum is an adventure in itself and for those who are tall: mind your head! The displays cover a long time of dutch maritime history and the focus is on the smaller inland waterways ships. Most of the information texts at the items on display are in dutch but many items are self explanatory. A special section of the museum is dedicated to propulsion machines for ships where you can see old steam and diesel engines. All-in-all, well worth the low price of € 4,- (Sept, 2011)
Очень интересный музей судостроения и корабельного быта. Здорово было бы сходить с детьми, узнали бы много нового.
Vriendelijk personeel dat veel informatie gaf. Buitengewoon veel te zien over de zeevaart (en ook de binnenvaart), de ontginning van de veenkolonien. Fraaie schepen. Een museum van, voor en door liefhebbers, een must voor bezoekers aan de stad.
Leuk museum in een oud monumentaal pand om even binnen te lopen. Verwacht geen spectaculaire collectie, maar dat maakt het niet minder charmant en geschikt om even binnen te lopen.
Leg de lat niet al te hoog. Gewoon een leuk museum. Goede filmvoorstelling over de geschiedenis van Groningen. Niet naar toe gaan als u slecht ter been bent.
Wat doe je op een regenachtige pinksterdag? Dan bezoek je een museum. En wel het Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum. Een pracht van een museum in een prachtig pand! Zeer zeker een bezoek waard. De geschiedenis van de scheepvaart wordt op velerlei manieren goed in beeld gebracht.