Thank you for your positive review of the museum. We rely on comments from our visitors to help make any improvements. We appreciate your taking the time to review it .We hope you will return, as we are getting additional exhibits.
I am sorry for your disappointing visit to the Museum. I had a family emergency and was unable to get anyone to open for me. This feedback tho' negative is valuable and has been taken into consideration. I hope you will visit again .We have some new displays. My apologies.
I am glad that overall you liked your visit to the museum and that you posted pictures. We value all reviews and would like to thank you for taking the time to share your view and the pictures.
Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you felt about the Museum. Most of our displays are replications, but carefully crafted, and all are historically accurate. We appreciate all feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to write your review. Every review is important to us. My collection is all replicas, historically accurate. The history has been carefully researched. Actually, one device, the pillory, has working parts and is safe enough to be used for photographs. I would have happily put you in it had I known. If you are in Alton again, stop in and we'll get your photos. Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your visit to the Museum. To see actual artifacts you would have to travel to the Torture Museums in Europe and the Tower of London. A private collection of original torture devices of a man in New York State sold at auction 2 years ago for 1.2 million dollars. My collection is replicas, hand crafted by European craftsmen, and Historically accurate. I do not claim that they are originals, and there is no gimmick. The history has been carefully researched. Morbid curiosity brings people to my Museum.
Thanks for your positive review. We appreciate your having taken the time to write and recommend us. All reviews are valuable to us and fellow travelers.
Thank you for your positive review. We take all reviews seriously and are always strive to please. We appreciate your taking the time to write a review.
Thanks for your review and positive feedback. It is important to us to see how people respond to our Museum, so we can improve and address any issues.We appreciate you taking the time to write a review.
Thank you for taking the time to review your experience at our museum. We appreciate feedback so we can improve and address any issues.
Thanks for taking the time to review your experience at the museum. I hope the pictures turned out well. You were delightful guests.
Thank you for taking the time to review your visit to the museum. We appreciate all feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to review your visit to the Museum as well as your positive feedback . We now have over 50 exhibits, and hope you will visit again.