If you are looking for a place to go to see Waterfowl such as Egrets, Herons, Geese, Ducks and other wild birds this is the place for you. Great views! Beautiful scenery! A Must visit for any photographer.
This is a terrific place. Whether you are here for a couple of hours or a day, there's something for you. There were lots of birds to see. I enjoyed a great hike. Bring your camera. There are lots of beautiful things to photograph.
This reclaimed wildlife area is a fun, relaxing place to hike in the spring and early summer. Lots of migratory birds are nearby and hardcore birders can view lots of species. Also a good place for watersnake viewing. As summer moves in and the Cedar Point rush picks up, the location of Pipe Creek works against it as the bustle detracts from the peace and quiet.