OK, it is not a HUGE park but it is one of the few places in the U.S. where you can see a Blackbird for free! Yes, they don't charge so quit complaining about the hours they are open.They are located on Ave P East of Division several miles on the North side of the street.I am not a fanatic about Air Force history so I can't tell you which planes are there but just go and listen to the other tourists. This one guy who lives in the area goes there often and spouted off each planes designation, top speed, operating ceiling, historical significance, which plane succeeded which model, fuel capacity....So just go anytime, you can still see them from the road and through the chain link fence. They even have the shroud off an engine on the SR71 (Blackbird) and it is cool to just know the U.S. created such a fantastic plane!
Unfortunately we weren't here when the park was open so all we could do is look through the fence at the planes. There was quite a variety and we were surprised to find them in this out-of-the-way location. We hope to be passing through on a weekend so we can go inside and read about what we saw. It is well kept.
Blackbird airpark is simply the coolest place for the aviation buff and specifically if you are a fan of the SR-71. Sitting right there are the original A-12 (CIA) designation and the first SR-71 (Air Force) that set world speed records back in 1964 of Mach 3.3! That is LA to NY in just 59 minutes . . and that was 50 years ago!!Throughout the air park you will everything from Sabre jets, Star fighters, an F14 Tomcat and even a B52 Bomber!! If you are fan of military aircraft the Blackbird Air Park is a must see attraction. The Air park is free to enjoy, although they rely heavily on donations to acquire and restore old aircraft. If you are traveling through Palmdale, CA this is a must see attraction!
Get up close and personal with the BlackBird Spy Planes. This is one of the first places we came to visit when we first moved to the area.We were fortunate and were there at one of the anniversaries and got to sit in one of the planes for a picture taking. What an awesome experience. Even got autographs from some of the pilots that flew the planes!They keep adding to the park continually; it has expanded nicely in the last 10 yrs.If you are a plan buff, this is one you Must See!
From what I could see through the fence, nice collection. You would think they would open earlier than 11am on a Saturday for people traveling through.
The park and trails are well maintained. There is a virtual history of military aviation on display for everyone to see. You can truly get up close and personal with the aircraft that helped our country remain the land of the free.
Interesting assortment of aircraft, but the 2 SR-71's at the front of the place really caught my eye. It is unusual to see two aircraft plus the engine display all in the same place. The gates were closed when we arrived, but you could still get a good look from the road. Worth seeing.
if you like airplanes, this is the place. my cousin must visit this place everytime he is visiting us. they sure have added many more planes. very interesting.
We were only able to see the planes from the outside of the fence. The hours are Friday- Sunday 11am-4pm. It looked like they had a good collection.
This park is outside an USAF testing facility. It is nice set up but very small about a dozen or so planes. I did not interact with the volunteers because my wife and i went when the place was closed but we were able to see everything and get some decent pics. I do not recommend this place unless you will be in Palmdale for 24 hours or more and you are a big military historian or love military aircraft . This park has so much potential. I would not go out of your way to see this place. This is your typical military display outside of a military installation nothing more nothing less. This would be good for children under 15 or Cold War Veterans.
2014 年 10月 ジャンボと再会日本の高度成長期を支えた JAL SR第一号機 スペースシャトルをplmdaleの工場から空輸 JALから購入したNASAはJALの整備の質に感嘆 表彰状を授与このジャンボ 現役時代の二倍の大きさに見える。PALDALE 年金サバイバルNASA の工場見学ガードマンに掛け合ってみたが知り合いがNASAに勤務している必要がある。blackbied airpark 入場無料 PARKING 無料 FRI SAT SUN OPEN ENTRANCE FREEEENOUGH PARKING
ここblackbird airparkから程近い場所にあるロッキード社(当時)の英知を結集した設計部門、スカンクワークスによる傑作機 SR-71とA-12がリタイヤしてそのままの状態で展示してあります。敷地内には売店もあり、SR-71運用部隊のレプリカワッペンやスカンクワークスのTシャツなどが販売してあります。週末のみオープンしているので注意が必要です。
マック3+クラブ と言う SR-71のリタイアパイロットがボランテアで週末のみオープンしているこのPARKでSR-71について説明してくれるマック3+と言うクラブは 音速の三倍を超えたパイロットクラブ世界で200人足らず隣接したPMDにはNASA やBOEING の施設もある世界最大のEDWARDS AIR BASE やVIRJIN AIR SPACEのMOJAVE 等同じVALLEYで車で30分位で回れるこの一体はスペースバレーと呼ばれる 航空宇宙産業が集積している