Free if you stay with your kids and a small fee if you drop them off! Fun things to climb, zip line and building things all for kids! Spend the day doing "stuff"! Bring your own drinks and snacks! Wear clothes that can get dirty!
This place always reminds me of something from Sesame Street. It could only exist in Berkeley. Kids are let loose with hammers and paint and nails to do whatever crazy building comes to mind. As a parent I always find it super stressful that my kid is going to become impaled on something or fall through some funky structure, but this is my kid's favorite place to go in this area and has been for years so for him I give it five stars.
The park is a throwback to earlier times, when kids weren't confined to safe and sterile fun. Here, at the Adventure Playground, they can get dirty, get splinters, get bruised—but they probably won't, except for the getting dirty part. The place encourages imagination and risk-taking, within reasonable bounds.
My kids loved this place. It's a small park where kids build things or just play. They can get hammers and nails, or paint, etc. on site to work on any area they want, building, painting, and generally taking charge of some renewal project. There's a great zip line too. Best for kids old enough to wield a hammer, so, say 7 and older, for an afternoon.
My sister in law took us there and I didn't know what to expect. There were six girls in tow ranging from 8 to 15. They loved it. There is a small zip line, a mesh rope jungle gym thingy, lots of painting and creativity in building going on. Agree with the other reviewer - it was a bit unsettling to see the 5 year olds wielding hammers and saws, and if you are a helicopter parent this is not the place for you. I could not believe it was free! Apparently you can drop your kids off and pay $10 an hour for babysitting. There is a typical playground right next to it, and a great view if the water.
This place always made me a little nervous. Small children with tools… kids running around with sharp objects… But the kids love the experience. Not good for anxious safety-conscious helicopter parents.
Our kids, then 8 and 6, had a fabulous time here. The fun is largely unscripted compared to what they experienced at traditional playgrounds, and the look of the place - unkempt and seemingly unplanned - added to their sense of adventure and independence. Highly recommended as an antidote to the sterile, controlling environments you're in at most playgrounds these days (where the heck did all the teeter-totters, swings and merry-go-rounds go?).
We visit this park whenever we visit family. My seven year old daughter loves that this place as it is very unusual and creative. Old boats, zip line, painting, etc. Watch your kid, but let her have fun.
Kids love this spot, but it might be a little frightening for their adult caretakers: lots of loose boards and nails, weathered materials, etc. But that's where the fun comes in for the kids: they get to hammer and build, play rough (with the materials, that is), and make things up for themselves. And they adore the little zip-line ride. If you're a parent who has a high level of tolerance for a little chaos, this may be for you. My son loved it.
Kids get tools and paint and pieces of wood and get to create their own ideas of sculpture or utilitarian objects like little tables and chairs. There are also classes for which you can sign up.
In this age of overprotection, it is great for kids to have an experience with paint, hammer and nails, a zip line and barrels they can roll down a hill (with their buddies inside the barrel. The open ended play is delightful. It's not for the under 5 year old set (check out Totland for the best wee one playground, in the middle of the gourmet ghetto) but good for kids from 6 (with more supervision) to 14. The location is terrific being right on the bay, parking is generally easy and there's the marina and shoreline to roam around later. It's the current must-go spot for my 7 and 10 year old nephews.
Необычайное место для детей - тут можно строить, мастерить, красить все возможные предметы с помощью и под присмотром работников площадки, а так же покататься на супер качелях и пролететь на тарзанке. Детей отсюда не оттащишь. Вход бесплатный.
Un parco fuori dal comune, non lasciatevi trarre in inganno dal nome, in realtà l'avventura non consiste in pericolose arrampicate ma piuttosto in un viaggio di fantasia e creatività in cui genitori e bambini possono collaborare e giocare insieme... Costruire oggetti di legno, dipingere, in piena libertà! Non lasciatevi spaventare dall'aspetto disordinato, dopo pochi minuti ne sarete rapiti.. Consigliato!