this little James Dean Memorial park is a great place to sit down for awhile, it right in town in Fairmount, but quiet and serene.
I've lived in Indiana now for 20 years and never visited the site where James Dean was born, and now is buried in. He was such an iconic piece of Hollywood. I felt like it was time to go see this and it was an interesting drive up to Fairmont, Indiana. It's true, there isn't much to see there if you're looking for attractions and all. But I wasn't going there for that. I was going to see where James Dean grew up, and is now laid to rest. His grave is very simple; something I wasn't expecting. There were items laid next to his headstone from people who had visited before me. It wasn't a large headstone, actually it was a little smaller than I thought it might be. It sort of made me feel like I wanted more... But once I left, I found myself remembering that not only was this a man who at one time had belonged to the world... but also to this little town in Indiana. It was a nice day and a nice visit. Glad I went to see it!
The best time to visit is during James Dean days. Lots of old cars, food, flea market, swamp meets and more.
Nice but nothing special here to see. It's just a grave and you can see them anyplace.
Une copie du buste de James dont l'original se trouve à l'observatoire Griffith à Los Angeles. J'ai aimé le lieu pour sa tranquillité, mais le parc est très petit