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princeton battle monument

princeton battle monument

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • BobZ9
    This is an open field .. Great in the Summer... Always a nice place for Wedding Pictures. and just playing around...
  • Pnemiller
    This large, impressive granite monument is about 20 feet high and was unveiled in 1922. It commenorates the 1777 Battle of Princeton showing George Washngton on top leading the troops to victory and the death of General Hugh Mercer. It is just west of the center of town. It is free and open for viewing all the time. Nearby is a monument to Albert Einstein with a scultpure of his head and a number of his quotes..
  • 22MichaelA22
    Excellent craftsmanship. Anything my kids think is cool, and thy stop and read, then google to learn...it's an a in my book
  • RannJ
    Worth the visit. Walk all around to really appreciate this area and absorb the history. We are thankful these bits of our past are being so lovingly preserved here.
  • ChrisDCarlson
    This is just in front of the Boro Hall at the top of Bayard Lane. It is not close to much else so you have to take the short walk to that end of town. It is worth the walk. You can drive and there is parking. You just have to drive past a short distance. Very impressive big thing. Nicely done and pride evoking. While you are there, if you approach the Boro Hall, you will see the bell off the USS Princeton. There are two other statues there, one of Eistein and one of the man reading the new paper. He is reading the day Nixon resigned.
  • pinkskier
    Милый небольшой парк с историческим монументом в память об американской победе одержанной надо британскими войсками в битве за Принстон времен Американской войны за независимость 3 января 1777 года под руководством Джорджа Вашингтона. Приятно будет прогуляться в любое время года или просто посидеть на скамейке. В парке много белок, можно увидеть даже черных белок. У входа в парк со стороны Nassau street установлен необычный памятник Энштейну.
  • 456sandraa
    Monumento em memória a uma encarniçada batalha na guerra civil americana, é na verdade uma grande estátua numa praça agradável, próxima à estátuas como a de Einstein
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