Indoor kart racing, year round! Speeds of 40mph! Walk-in racing, leagues...
Good all around fun. Smiles were all around and if like a little friendly competition - well - enough said.
We had a great time as first time racers this was so much fun and we will do it again soon! They were very helpful to us first time race fans and provided great training.
Thank you for coming to our facility to have some fun! I apologize for the poor on track experience that you and your friends had. We typically use the blue flag to move over drivers who are slightly off pace. We find that this helps the track run smoother and more safely during busy times. It sounds as if there was some miscommunication between my staff and your group on what to do when receiving the blue flag. Instead of stopping in the outside of the corner, we ask that racers continue drive around the track without slowing or stopping, but simply do so on the outer edge of the track in order to let faster traffic past them. Again, I apologize for the miscommunication.I will talk with my staff and come up with new ways to more effectively communicate how, why and when we will use the blue flag. As well as what racers are supposed to do when being blue flagged.We strive to be one of the safest and most fun indoor karting tracks in the country, We strongly encourage all types of racers from first timers to track champions! We even have racers as young as 8 years old (after completing our kids training course) all the way up to 60 and 70 years olds!
Thanks for coming down! Glad you had a good time and enjoyed our facility!
We're glad they enjoy it! Thank you guys for coming in!
Glad you enjoyed our facility! If you do have kids, we offer kids training courses once a month to certify ages 8-12 for walk-in racing!
Thank you for coming to ProKART, were glad you had a good time!