Unfortunately hulls falls is POSTED private property, it is not a tourist destination and should not be reviewed as such. You will be asked to leave by the property owners
Hulls Falls is a short waterfall immediately below the Route 69 bridge southwest of Keene. Although this is not a very tall waterfall, the scoured bedrock and the large plunge pool beneath the falls indicate great volumes of water from time to time. There are signs of frequent use. The pool is large, seemingly deep, and has a sandy beach on the north side of the river. The rocks are interesting, and easy to explore. As in most Adirondack "Forever Wild" Park areas, there are no fences, so caution climbing to the base should be hiked with caution. The north side of the Falls are privately owned and posted due to careless littering of visitors. During high water times, these falls roar so one should consider the immense power of water.