Made up of 11,200 acres of rippling blue waters and 339 miles of...
I have travelled a lot of towns in the northeast. Crossing rives like the Susquehanna, Ohio, Muskegon, and Monongahelia conjure up old world living in a simple time. Lake Neely Henry is that image. A big river passing through Gadsden, at one time, the second busiest port next to Mobile in Alabama. You get this feel first from the ancient railroad bridge that swiveled on a pivot to allow riverboat traffic...it is still there and intact along with a magnificent trestle and tracks running down the heart of the town. The river level now is higher due to dams...but it still is in its banks and so the effect remains. Come spend some time, especially at Christmas when the local RV park lights up a Christmas display to die for (its off I-759).