当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中美洲 >波多黎各 >圣胡安 >旧圣胡安


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Consisting of 400 restored buildings from the 16th- and 17th-century...


  • LeaveNothing
  • LUCAS1069
    老城是圣胡安最漂亮的部分之一 可以看到城堡 古堡 周边的海滩 礁石 还有古老的街道 教堂 触动人的心灵 不过注意防盗 有吸毒的人找你要钱50分说是坐车回家 听本地人其实是上瘾的人 千万不要理这种人 OLD SANJUAN教堂很美
  • ShellyA888
    我很喜欢旧圣胡安的氛围,还有这里的餐馆和这里的夜生活。这里的一切和我很多年以前来旅游观光时看到景象是一样的。我住在El Convento酒店,完全被这里迷住了。如果你不住在海边,那么旧圣胡安就是唯一的选择。
  • ROBERTK418
    来这里一定要穿舒服的鞋并且带上相机,在狭窄的街道游转欣赏美丽且独具特色的建筑是种享受。所有色彩,阳台的设计,彩色花朵的安排等等,都是设计者和摄影爱好者的梦境之地。在不同的广场行走,漫步小径,台阶和开放的草坪区域,令你把家里的一切纷扰都抛之脑后。看到这些精美的建筑,想象着他们是如何躲过多年前一次次自然与人工灾难,彰显了人工的巧妙之处,那时并没有电脑科技,完全是依靠人类的大脑来建造的啊。我们在San Justo255号的小咖啡店吃了美味的当地美食。推荐大家来那里吃午饭,好多当地人也在那儿吃。不远的范围内可以看到城堡,公墓,教堂,广场以及公共建筑的景色,那些美景令你难以忘却,考虑到来波多黎各的人都可以以这些美景作为谈资。旧圣胡安也是个坐游轮的人气之地。我们非常享受,希望将来你也可以有机会前往。我们是2月去的,天气很好。
  • AlexC33
  • AlexC465
    刚开始我并不认为这个地方会有多好,但是几分钟后,我就体验到了这里的美妙之处。从丰富的色彩样式到超多的美食以及购物,这里真的是不容错过的地方。 如果你在这个区域的话,还要看看圣克里斯托的“城堡”,它在一座老镇的附近,有很棒的历史(如果你想看一些野生物的话,也是可以的,我们就看到了9只鹦鹉到处飞!)
  • 洋葱牌眼药水
    La fordaleza就在就圣胡安的附近, 很有殖民地的感觉,居然还有很多名牌商店在那里,街道很窄,我还去了当地的一个类似卖鸡排的小店,热情的家庭!但是难吃阿!!!
  • camerona805
    Old San Juan is incredible. Such a wonderful blend of history, food, entertainment, shopping, and hotels. No matter what your interest, Old San Juan can provide what you're looking for! Also, every cat in the city is up to date on it's shots through a "savelosgatos" campaign. So…the city has friendly, well fed, and clean street cats all over the place. Enjoy!!
  • 455MikeS455
    Love this place: Really nice people, clean, great shops, restaurants and culture -what more can I say~!
  • Forresterpdx
    My husband and I went on Viator's Old San Juan Food Tour (walking tour). Our guide, Luli, was fantastic. This was a fun way to get oriented to Old San Juan and to sample some local cuisine. Luli also provided information about the history of Puerto Rico and Old San Juan, plus lots of insight into modern life in Puerto Rico. The walking is easy, but be prepared for uneven cobblestone streets and some stairs. Highly recommend this tour, especially with Luli.
  • tkc22
    We were here for a few days before and after a cruise, and I honestly do not know how people spend a week here at a time. I feel like we did all the sight-seeing we could in the first two days, and by our last day we just walked around. There aren't really shops or anything like that. BUt, the area is beautiful.
  • 180rafaelt
    Every time i come to visit Puerto Rico i alway have to visit el morro and afterwards comb the streets of old san juan for the tasty food and drinks!! You cannot say you have been to San juan and not Visit Old San Juan! Just beware on the weekends parking is hard to find , so go early .
  • swong417
    Interesting architecture and shops. Public transportation is not very convenient. You have to take a $15 taxi from San Juan to get there. Definitely don't want to walk there.
  • StacyT669
    This is a must see if you are traveling to Puerto Rico for first time. The history of city and forts is very interesting.
  • annasymonds
    We had 4 hours to kill between getting off our cruise boat and getting to the airport so I googled San Juan and this came up. Friendly locals meet you on the pier, take you and your luggage to their nearby minibus and when it's full they drive you round San Juan, giving a fascinating commentary. They stop at several places so you can get out and take photos, then you also get at least an hour (maybe two) to shop/eat/explore in the old town. (They keep the luggage locked in the bus). Then they take you to the airport for 2pm. All for $25 (US). Brilliant value.
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