塔夫拉达?德乌玛瓦卡位于Jujuy省,在阿根廷北部。这个峡谷位于山的侧面,山体充满条纹状色彩,丰富,生动,蓝色,绿色,橙色,黄色,和红色。这个斑纹的影响,给与山谷以特色,这155.4千米长的景色使得塔夫拉达?德乌玛瓦卡绝对的生动,独树一帜。这是联合国教科文组织认证的世界遗产,因此有理由认为这是世界上独一无二的。这次旅程走过的壮观之路是由Rio Grande大师修建而成,绝对过目难忘。当你走过峡谷的时候,你将越过Cerro de los Siete Colores(这座山有7种颜色),一座位于Purnamarca村外的小山,从山顶到山脚纵横着柔和的色彩线条。一旦来到Purnamarca,一座好像被粉刷过白色的殖民村就出现在眼前,布满了土坯房和泥泞的街道,你可以从中央广场向上看,还能再次看到七彩山。从广场这里看到的景象更加惊艳,百看不厌。往前走,你能看到另一座自然奇观--La Paleta del Pintor(画家的调色板),色彩从山坡开始往山顶上逐渐扩散,越到山顶颜色越深(就像画家的调色板一样)。再继续走,就能看到一个插入土中的石板,上面有着摩羯座的占星标志,这意味着南回归线到了。当你到达山谷顶端,往Humahuaca村子走时,你又会被镶嵌着仙人掌的好像沙子的颜色般的山景所吸引。这个广场很酷,令人喜欢,绝对是避开酷热阳光的绝佳休息地。位于广场上的,Iglesia de la Candelaria值得一去,还有闪烁的双子塔。可以把时间分成两段,一段用来在饭店阴凉的露台上坐在椅子中休息,一段用来享用丰盛的阿根廷牛排大餐,还有纯正的马尔白克酒。
Others have said it and I can only agree with them - there are simply no words to describe this beauty. Not even pictures can tell what your eyes will see. That nature can create such beauty makes us breathless. Go and see for yourself. The surroundings of Humahuaca are out of this world.Humahuaca is a nice little Indio village, nothing fancy. A church from the colonial times, a nice square, some shops with indigenous fabrics often made in China, unfortunately! Be careful when wanting to buy a souvenir Alpaca cape or similar ! Warned by our excellent guide who was worth a lot on this trip from Salta to Humahuaca, Purmamarca and the Jujui Salt lake. Martin Alamo from Salta, speaking English and French plus Spanish of course. email: Cell +5493874081743
This shallow canyon of multicolored rocks shaped like triangular pyramids linked together enclose the Rio Grande, that was anything but grand when we passed through on a bus tour. In fact it was bone dry, as is usually the case in winter (January). It runs for around 150 km in length, and to an extent makes you think of some of these photos promoted by environmentalists to demonstrate how mining is destroying our landscapes, but in fact the creative forces here are deposits from marine sedimentation, lakes and rivers, all of which used to abound in this utterly parched milieu. The grinding effect of shifting tectonic plates over several millenia and wind erosion did the rest. The results are certainly remarkable, although I was surprised to learn that it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003. It is one of the natural phenomena that make North Argentina one of our most privileged albeit little-known regions of the universe.
Words are difficult to describe the fabulous range of mountains in Humahuaca/Purmamarca.. They call them the mountains of 7 colours, they are unbelievable! If you are in the Salta/Jujuy area it is a MUST!La cordillera fabulosa de Humahuaca/Purmamarca, un cerro de los Seite colores, increible! Si esta en Salta/Jujuy debe ir y a verlos!!
No words can describe the scenery, the nature, just go and see.Mmm, tripadvisor wants me to use at least 50 caracters for this review. That is a lot when no words can describe the scenery...;-)
Quebrada of Humahuaca is a special place along the way on bijoux small town: Salta Purmamarca, Tilcara and Humahuaca are all of them in Jujuy region. Not a rich region but rich of dignity and courtesy in a path of cobblestone streets, adobe houses, a charming town square and a pretty church.Beautiful alpaca and vicuna artifacts... and a breathtaking view of colorful mountains surrounded by cute Cardones
Humahuaca was the last small town I visited in the Salta-Jujuy region, and boy was I glad I saved it for the last. It is a picturesque and charming little town with cobblestone streets, adobe houses, a charming town square and a pretty church. After the rather dismal San Antonio de Las Cobres, the somewhat boring Cachi and Cafayate and quiet Purmamarca, Humahuaca was a breath of fresh air. There were actually things you could do in the town.At noon everyday, the church bells chime and a life-size figure of San Francisco Solano emerges from the clock tower, reminiscent of a cuckoo clock. Artesenal shops also line the main square and offer a good selection of handicraft, clothes and other knick knacks.
We visited this ravine as part of a 4 day tour of north-west Argentina. It included a drive north from Salta (2 hrs) to Purmamarca and Tilcara. This ravine is absolutely stunning - the colours and landscape are breathtaking. There are also Incan ruins, markets, an interesting cemetery and a wonderful walk through the hills above the town of Purmamarca.Our visit to these sites was made more fascinating thanks to our personable guide, Martin Alamo, who gave us extensive background on the geography, history and culture of the area.We met Martin through Enchanting Travels, but he can also be booked direct by contacting him on -
About 200 km (return trip about 450 km) north of Salta, this valley with its multi-colored ravines is definitely worth a day trip, or even better an overnight stay, say in Purmamarca on highway 52 just off route 9 (for an overnight stay try the Manantial del Silencio in Purmamarca). A particularly adventurous way is to drive north from Salta on the narrow, tortuous and sometimes outright scary route 9 towards San Salvador de Jujuy, the continue on the now much easier route 9 all the way up. For the return drive, you might more sanely opt for highways 66/34 from Jujuy to Salta.
This valley/canyon provides history (Inca ruins, Jesuit churches, more recent battles), geography (fantastically coloured and sculptured landscapes), botany (changing vegetation, Cardon cactus and a small botanical garden at Tilcara), culture (weaving, crafts etc.) at the villages of Purmamarca, Tilcara and Humahuaca. If you can squeeze in an extra day it is definitely advisable to take off the main road and travel about 80 km from Humahuaca to Iruya. The road is gravel, but it winds and twists its way to 4000 m then really winds and twists through spectacular landscapes to about <3000m at Iruya.
We took an all day tour out of Salta to see Purmamarca and Humahuaca with a short stop in Jujuy. The entire trip was rather incredible, due in no small part to our guide, who was knowledgeable/passionate about the history of the area. The landscapes, the natives, the battles for independence, the revolution - all were brought to life by our guide. Facinating stories which gave us a deeper sense of awareness about the country we were travelling through. One word of caution, though. It is a long day trip (we left the hotel at 6:45am and returned at 8:30pm). However, our guide made the time go by quickly with her knowledgeable commentary.
driving from Jujuy to Humahuaca or viceversa is great, in the morning to get the light on one side and the other in the afternoon. This is nature and landscape at its best, stop (if you can) as many times as you like to take pictures.
Nice place, nice and easy drive. Unfortunately the turistic development and the moder route 9 have taken away some of the wild twist of this area which can still be had, instead, in thd Quebrada del Toro, in the Valles Calchaquies, just to mention a few places here in Argentina. I enjoyed the ride but I found southern California in the US, Utah and Arizona even more spectacular. A must do, that is for sure, but if you are travelling southwards in the Salta region just remember that the best is yet to come!
Great area to explore by car, some nice remote villages and markets and great views. I've travelled with public transport trough most of South America, but was glad to have picked northwest Argentina for some independent motorized exploring.