The church of Sant'Ilario isn't in itself an attraction of the highest importance, but it deserves a very positive judgment because inside it was set up a very effective and striking visual device for education, on the Triumphal Arch (called "Port'Aurea" in the Middle Ages) of the Roman Emperor Trajan; arch which is located a few meters away.Firstly, the guardian, motivated and informed (unlike what often happens to the keepers of the monuments in Italy) tells you about the characters and the story of the discovery of this ancient church, of which the sources were talking, but that was hidden under the appearances of a peasant's house. Then a device is operated, which illustrates in one by one - by showing them through a motion picture - the reliefs of the Arch of Trajan: the voices of tales are in sequence the writer Pliny the Younger, Trajan's contemporary; Crito, Trajan's surgeon; the same emperor Trajan. After this visit - highly recommended - you'll know a lot more about Trajan, the ancient Romans, the route "Via Appia", the city of Benevento....Last but not least: the video - we were informed - is available on request also in English.
Subito dietro l'arco di Traiano ( Porta Aurea per i Longobardi ) si trova la chiesa longobarda di Sant'Ilario . E' una chiesa a navata unica , costruita su resti preesistenti , e scoperta solo di recente perché era stata adibita ad abitazione di campagna , e quindi ben mascherata.Attualmente é sconsacrata e sede del Museo dell'arco di Traiano ,dove si può vedere un audiovisivo della durata di circa 20 minuti , che descrive minuziosamente tutti i bassorilievi dell'arco e fornisce notizie sulla vita di Traiano.L'ingresso é di 2 euro.
senza parole! benevento una delle città più antiche d'italia! visitarla è d'obbligo! tutti vicino al centro storico, per i turisti sarebbe eccezzionale!!