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babylon centre

babylon centre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 72monicam
    This swimming pool is different. The whole area is underground, with a few slides and water attractions. The best part of it are swimming "avenues" where you swim through tiny areas through caves and there is always a surprise. Little caves where you can just sit in the water and relax. But the water felt a bit too cold, we visited 3 times over time, and always felt cold. There is one very big Jacuzzi and one small one so we used that a lot to warm up. During our last visit during Summer 2014, at night they had a fantastic laser show right there in the swimming pool area, and I have to say, that was impressive and well worth the visit. Besides the water park, there was nothing that spectacular at Babylon. Mostly some activities for smaller children. They offer all kinds of body treats and massages, I tried a couple of times. Price reasonable and you feel pampered. I do recommend that. Parking is free for up to 2 hours, if I remember right. Overall, probably just one visit will do.
  • paokaki
    We visited some time ago. It was overcrowded, yelling and running children everywhere. So we went on couple of slides but the Black Hole where everybody stayes and wathces you when you slide down is just ridiculous. Shopping centre is awfull. Expensive and there is actually nothing interesting. Playground area with attraction will just squeeze more money from you. Waste of time.Expensive, expensive and dirty.
  • Bastis112
    My family love in love rev every time I go there I have to go to Babylon it has game parks IQ parks watermarks this is THE PLACE for kids meanwhile while parents watch a movie at the 4D cinema or they have lunch bye a nearby restraint I love babylon
  • evam634
    We are going here regularly several times per year with kids. For one night you can enjoy two days in the spa, swimming, playground, IQ park...so a really nice place to stay, kids love it and me too. The breakfast in the morning is really nice. The only bad point is the Babylon shopping city...it is getting worse every time we are there, less and less shops and activities, many bankcrupt. But generaly, we like and will come again on September.
  • 585Petr
    After visiting of iQpark as a part of Babylon centre, we were looking to visit another attraction in the same location, also being built in the area of former textile factory. Arriving on working day early afternoon, we found lots of parking space. Don’t forget to bring the ticket with you to ticket office, to get a discount. You can choose visit just attractions, or planetarium, or both, we went for the first option. Worth to check the itinerary for the day early, giving you the times for different shows. Most attractions are interactive, my son liked “Star Carousel” (space simulator), but I felt nauseated and had to stop quite early. We found also earthquake simulator quite popular. There is separate exhibition “Sexmisie” with controlled entrance, which will give you frank information about sexual life. We spent there three hours, but this wasn’t obviously enough to see entire exhibition, and definitely not to visit Planetarium. There were lots of staff, to help us, or performing shows, and we found them very friendly. There is also cafeteria available, but we didn’t visit it. iQLANDIA is an exceptional attraction definitely worth to visit, but you need to reserve plenty time for it. We will definitely be back.
  • Kat040
    We've only visited the aquapark, and enjoyed ourselves very much. Somebody had lots of fun designing it and it really is worth it to swim into every innocent looking doorway. There are things happening all the time - geysers come on and off, rain starts falling in the main pool, aquazorbing orb comes out - so you have fun round the clock. It is also nice and warm, I think the first aquapark where we didn't have to worry about chattering teeth. Both swimming and non-swimming children and we the infantile adults had lots of fun. Only word of advice - bring flip flops, if you have to go to the loo, you'll be happy you brought them.
  • Luckal
    Modern interactive expositions­ Man, or the Journey through the depths of the human body­ Sexmission, or Everything you need to know about puberty, sex, reproduction, birth, even sexual deviation­ Sound tower, or Keep an ear out!­ The Elements, or Fire, water, earth, and air­ The world of water, or Playing in the water without a raincoat­ Science at home, or How everyday items work­ Geo, or Astronaut training: fast and easy­ GeoLab, or Hurrah to the underground!­ TULip, or NANO everywhere you look
  • 195janaa
    The IQ park in the Babylon center of Liberec is a very interesting place to spend your leisure time there for every age. With many many small and bigger sites located on 4 floors enabling you to look for a practical solution(s) to various tasks in mathematics, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. it will interest everybody from a baby playing with various sets of blocks, using swings and other attractions without looking for a scientific explication up to an adult being pleased to revise his/her school experiments and learnings with fun. The only weak point in the park is the fast food restaurant having nothing but fried meals.
  • laurat165
    The worst aqua park we have ever been - too cold weather inside, cold water. Jacuzzi also with cold water, we found only one with warm water, but couldn't use it because of the smell of chlorine. "Sauna world" is not worth that name - too little, too small and too cold. It's physically and morally outdated place - if you want to visit bar you must have money in cash! So we payed for all day, but stayed max 20 minutes.
  • scorpionbruno
    Terloops eens binnengewandeld en redelijk tegengevallen.Zwembad al een beetje verouderd en veel attracties werken niet.Precies of je waant je in een indoorpretpark anno '70.Dan zijn er veel leukere dingen te doen in Liberec.
  • K4173ZDannas
    Příjemně strávené odpoledne ve vodním světě.Komu vadí hordy lidí nebo chlór,ten ať sem nechodí.Atrakce nejsou tak dokonalé jako v nejnovějších aquaparcích,ale dá se to.
  • OndrejKK
    Začalo to na pokladně a to cenou... Na místní poměry dost peněz ale říkal jsem si, že to snad za to musí stát, běžně se vstupné do aquaparků nebo termálů pohybuje v obdobných hranicích. První šok nastal při vstupu přes ledovou vodu do prostoru bazénů a druhý při vstupu do studené vody - čekali jsme teplejší. Vyzkoušeli jsme většinu tobogánů ale po několika sjezdech jsme to vzdali - sváry jsou špatně provedené, přejezdy spojených částí bolí. Laser show stála za to, to byla asi nejlepší část návštěvy. Jediná teplá voda je ve větším bazénku - vířivce a standartní vířívce pro cca 8-9 lidí. Sauny - jedna parní, jedna finská, dvě kabinky s infrasaunou - kapacita dva lidi - jedna nefunkční. Pro milovníky sauny rozhodně ne! Někteří chodili i v plavkách, personál to nechávalo chladný... Třešničkou na dortu bylo parkovné... ze směru od centra, odkud jsme přijeli, jsme zajeli na první parkoviště u iqparku. Chyba... Za necelé 3 hodiny jsme zaplatili 150!! Kc... Paní na pokladně prohlásila že mají parkoviště vlastní a že na ulici stojí 20kc hod a asi je to teda špatně značené... a dál se bavila se svou kolegyní...Takže človek tam necha 1000Kc a ještě platí parkovné? Ostuda, jen chtějí vytáhnout z lidí peníze nikdy víc.Just briefly... There is really cold water in the pools, the only warm water is in one small jacuzzi and small pool with massage jets... Slides have poor joints so it hurts when you go down. Sauna just one steam, one dry, two infra cabines, one was out of order. Not for sauna lovers... Too expensive, parking not free.
  • Goros84
    Bedąc w Libercu nie mogliśmy sobie odmówić pobytu w aquaparku. Róźni się on bowiem od większości tego typu miejsc. Przypomina troche SPA. Bardzo ciekawe jaskinie wodne, ogólnie bardzo ładny wystrój wnętrz. Wybraliśmy opcję 60 min + 15 min. Dostępna jest ona do godziny 15.30. I chyba to wystarczający czas na nacieszenie się tym miejscem, poza tym woda była dość chłodna. Cena za tą opcję jest też najbardziej opłacalna, co nie oznacza że niska - 180 koron, bo jeżeli ktoś planuje wypad do aquaparku np o godzinie 16 to musi sie liczyc z dużo wyższym kosztem a moim zdaniem 290 koron tj około 45 złotych za godzinę zabawy to trochę za dużo. Nie mniej jest to oryginalne miejsce warte zobaczenia.
  • Kadimych
    Аквапарк понравился не особенным разнообразием, а почти полным отсутствием людей. Дети катались с тех горок, на которых есть возрастные ограничения, так как не было никаких смотрителей. Один раз только им посвистели и попросили не болтаться у стока горки типа "унитаз". Мы с мамой попарились в сауне, покатали на спинах девочек по бассейнам и разным переходам между ними, по ваннам с аквариумами, пещерам и т.д. Я умудрилась потерять очки и любимую заколку в том самом "унитазе", спасибо Филе, который несколько раз нырял и нашел все. Без него я бы просто пропала.
  • 366anastasiyat
    Были в автопутешествии, по пути заезжали в данный центр, т.к. уже был вечер, поапали только в аквапарк. В целом неплохо, но вода показалась прохладной, поэтому больше согревались в саунах
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