One of the most beautiful churches I have ever visited. Unlike many Catholic churches the inside is plain and simple and lit by the most beautiful windows with simple coloured patterns - they reminded me of the Matisse chapel at Vence but there is no connection. The highlight of the ininterior of Aigues Mortes
The church located on the main square is a delight, celebrating 800 years this year (2014). Beautifully restored with high wood ceilings, lovely chapels on the sides, simple with nice main alter. Only complain was the modern windows. Otherwise a very quiet place to reflect. Light a candle for someone you love.Would go again!
We visited many churches and/or cathedrals this year in France and this one is really on top of my list. This church from the 12th century is very beautiful. The (modern) stained glasses fit very well with this old church and the feeling inside the church is great. I really recommend you to visit and/or to go to the mess.
Thi is worth poppng your head into if you are in Aigues Mortes. Its just off the the main square and has some incredible architechture.
An old church, stone and wood and almost nothing else. It's quiet and beautiful, just before reaching the busy place with restaurants.
This medieval church was fascinating. From an architecture point of view, is isn't that imposing compared to others in the south of France, but from a historical perspective, it is definitely worth visiting. Right in the town square like a lot of other towns. The whole town of Aigues-Mortes is definitely worth seeing.
Definitely worth a peak into this amazing medieval church. When we peaked in there was a free concert and we ended up staying for the duration.
It's a beautiful and very peaceful church and used to go there quite a lot. The church is well maintained and well structured. If you are in Aigues-Mortes then give it a try, it will be worthy! It will give peace to your mind!
Peaceful church with modern stained glass windows inside the walls of Aigues-Mortes.
Esta igreja medieval consegue ser magnifica em sua simplicidade. Localizada no centro de Aigues Mortes esta igreja completou oitocentos anos e encontra-se muito bem conservada.Lindissima. Vale a visita.
C'est surtout pour les beaux vitraux de Claude Viallat que cette église est intéressante. Un panneau explicatif à l'entrée permet de mieux comprendre les intentions de l'artiste.
Я путешествовала по Лангедоку и знакомые подсказали обязательно заехать в Эг-Морт. Крюк был небольшой и а завернула. В городе был праздник, очень красочно и костюмированно. Церковь расположена практически на главной площади рядом с мэрией. Лаконично и строго, величественно и спокойно. Было так необычно зайти и оказаться в тишине и покое, после шума праздника!
Nous avons beaucoup apprécié le côté épuré de cette église, qui, grâce au Père Carrel, a été dépouillée de toutes ces dorures tarabiscotées encombrant souvent les lieux catholiques.De belles formes pures, une belle lumière filtrée par des vitraux modernes signés Viallat qui s'accordent bien avec les lignes simples. Un lieu apaisant et magnifique
Chiesa di atmosfera...piccola e molto romantica e ricca di storia..val la pena visitarla se non altro per i secoli di storia che ha alle spalle
Visitare la piccola ma poderosa chiesa di Notre Dame de Sablons ad Aigues Mortes, significa completare il percorso sulle orme di Re Luigi IX e della sua fede nella liberazione del Santo Sepolcro. Tutta la città è dominata dalla figura del Re Santo e così anche in chiesa arriva l'eco della sua ferrea dedizione alla causa delle crociate. La possente facciata e il portone d'accesso richiamano nella loro semplicità e forza le forme delle stesse porte di città nella cinta muraria. E' nella penombra di questa chiesa che pare Re Luigi abbia concesso alle sue truppe il diritto di adottare la croce sulla veste (di qui la parola crociati) anche a quelle truppe (regolari) che però non erano cavalieri di ordini combattenti (Templari, Ospedalieri, Giovanniti etc).