Wild Taiga consists of Kuhmo and Suomussalmi areas in the eastern border...
We enjoyed every minute of the experiences, we watched bears , looked for Elks and my husband had the most amazing fishing trip. The guides were amazing and did their utmost to give us a great time. The scenery was magnificent and both the guides, Sabrina (for wildlife) and Bjertie for fishing were really knowledgable and friendly. We had such a marvellous time we did not want to leave. On the elk safari we saw some birds that we had only seen in books and loads of arctic hares. Well worth all the travel and got to see the restricted zone of the Russian border.
We liked everything about the trip, the excursions, the guides, the food, the hotel -even the really cold weather. Please see my reivies of the Hotel Kalevala which has all the details.