This place epitomises what has to be one of the shabbiest capitals in Europe. Set in a derelict park near the American Embassy, this run down pink building houses all of about 20-30mpieces of art donated to Tito by countries that I didn't even know produced art, such as Egypt and Cameroon! Very surreal but not in a 'surrealist' way, if you get my drift. The curators seemed surprised to see us and whilst polite were not very helpful. To be quite frank I finished touring the place in 15 minutes and left even more baffled than I entered. What is the point of this place? Hopefully a start to an eventually greater movement. It doesn't help that the surrounding park seems to be over run by bored packs of yobs and seemingly abandoned buildings giving the place a slightly sinister feel.Not recommended.
It is difficult to review a place that has a total of about 20 works of art on display in a small area. Also, since Podgorica is seriously bereft of any places to visit and see, one ends up here. The setting is good in a park behind the US Embassy, though the park is quite shabby. The pieces on display are from different countries and were given to Tito as a gift by the visiting guests. You will se eita ll in less than 15 minutes.
Das Museum ist zwar klein, aber genau wie das kleine Montenegro hat es viel zu bieten. Ich konnte dort eine sehr interessante Ausstellung verschiedener junger montenegrinischer Künstler besichtigen. Die Ausstellung war gut beschildert und abwechslungsreich, wenn auch klein. Der Eintritt war kostenlos, und außerdem händigte mir der nette Angestellte noch den kostenlosen, aber sehr hochwertigen Katalog der Ausstellung aus. Der Park rund um das Msueum war ebenfalls spannend, genauso wie das historische Gebäude, indem sich das Museum befindet. Am Rande des Parks kann man noch einen Blick auf die amerikanische Botschaft werfen!