One of the cleanest, well lit, organized welcome centers I've ever visited! Did I mention CLEAN?!?!? Cleanliness is hard to find these days.
You get a free glass of orange or grapefruit juice along with genuinely friendly help and advice. Tons of pamphlets, lots of information. Far better than almost any other state welcome center we visit in the long drive from NY to Florida-- other states should visit and model themselves on this one.
first stop upon entering the state. Busy center is very clean-hundreds of pamphlets for tourism. Very clean restrooms/ The best part,which my kids love, FREE drinks of orange juice or grapefruit juice. The place has an excitement vibe to it. Always stop, never disappointed.
Hier bekommt man viele Informationen und Coupons für den floridaurlaub. Zur Begrüßung gab es Orangensaft gratis.Die sanitären Einrichtungen waren sehr sauber obwohl wirklich viel Betrieb war.
A rodovia Interestadual (I-95) que ladeia toda a costa do Estado da Flórida possui centros de descansos muito espaçosos e serve para uma pausa na direção. Banheiros limpos e tudo muito bem cuidado. A Flórida Welcome Center I-95 em Yulee, não foge à exceção, tudo muito fácil e bem cuidado com segurança 24 horas.