If you want to know a lot of information about the area, this is the place to go. This is a personal collection of a Walnut Creek family who built a special building to house the collection. It focuses on Walnut Creek, the Amish/Mennonite history of the area. And it's free!
We just happened to come across this museum walking around. It is FREE and has three floors to visit. The kids enjoyed it as much as we did.
A bit small, tucked in the "garden level" (aka basement) of the new library, the German Culture Museum should more accurately be called the "Amish Culture Museum," as it focuses on the styles and implements of those early religiously-motivated settlers to the area in the 1800s. The volunteer staff is friendly and helpful and the museum provides an interesting hour or so of diversion for those travelers looking for a little history with their visit to the local retailers.
Музеи, музеи..музеи... Настолько там красиво и увлекательно - что даже не замечаешь стремительного течения времени.Отличная возможность прикоснуться к культуре Германии