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trinity episcopal church

trinity episcopal church

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • freckles46
    They had the church open and had all the names of Abbevilles soldiers lost in wars since WW1. The church well preserved and still have services. Some people do not like sores closing at 5 or 6 but is perfect for a wonderful meal and of course your choice to travel on or check in at histoiric hotel and take in a play.
  • sharronb766
    My husband Aunt was a member here and he remembered it as a young boy. The bldg. and grounds are beautiful
  • MarkieM30242
    This is another review of my trip to Abbeville, SC (July, 2013). I was lucky in so many ways to have had the chance to visit at this time. FOX 5 news was doing a series on some of America's best small towns when I was there. This was an unplanned visit! As I was leaving Ashville, NC and driving down to Aiken SC, my friend suggested I stop at Abbeville on the way. Loved every bit of it, and this wonderfully peaceful time at Trinity Episcopal Church.
  • markmH4339CX
    An historic church right off the square in Abbeville. It has fallen into some disrepair over the years, but there are local efforts to maintain and restore this beautiful church. Services are held weekly and it available for weddings and other ceremonies. Great place for pictures!
  • LynnJ27
    I've visited Trinity Episcopal a couple of times - beautiful pre-Civil War treasure. On the most recent visit a service had just ended and we were able to hear the organ and visit with the Father who conducted the service. If you are in Abbeville, don't miss seeing this church.
  • dorisw814
    I picked up a brochure that said the church would be open at 11:00 AM on Saturday, and we waited from 10:55 to 11:10 and the church was not opened. It looks like an interesting building, but it's frustrating not to be able to get inside, and I think better more accurate information needs to be put out on when this edifice opens, if it is to be listed as a tourist attraction.
  • 81JanB81
    The church is small, very old and everything about it is beautiful. It sits on a historical street right downtown Abbeville, within walking distance of everything. worth the trip to Abbeville.
  • Jakata31
    A very beautiful little church. The ceiling and stained glass is quite impressive. It could use a little sprucing up and restoration but it was certainly worth seeing.
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