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charcoal lounge

charcoal lounge

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • IowaLakeGirl78
    The Charcoal Lounge, aka The Char, was around when I was in college in the late 70's/early 80's, had been there before that, and still remains. The place has had an overhaul since I lived in Vermillion, which is good, but it still offers a relaxed and laid back atmosphere. The Char is a typical college bar and is located on Main Street, mixed in with other businesses, bars, and restaurants. If you go during the school year, plan to battle the college crew. We've stopped by while in town for reunions and other gatherings and it's always been packed. The summers are a little better. Don't let that deter you. It's possible you will get a place to sit. You just have to give it a shot. I am not sure why the place is listed as an attraction. I am not sure I would call it that.
  • EA_South_Dakota
    The Char-Bar, as it's called, really gets jumping around midnight on weekend nights. The thing to do here is to show up, put on your beer goggles, and hook up with a member of the opposite sex, so that you can take him or her home after closing time.
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