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bandera cabaret

bandera cabaret

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • michellesL3731JT
    Best little town in Texas!! Most friendly people I've been around. They have a western shoot out...check out the times...and go have a great time!! Cute little restaurants with saddle seats, best shops ever! FABULOUS Fabric store!!
  • adventurermom
    When this place was open, it was awesome. It was the 2nd oldest dance hall in Texas from what I was told. It was a good place for families who like to two step. The dance floor was big and we really enjoyed it. Too bad it's closed down. We have good memories of this place!!
  • bobinman1
    Not only has Charles Gregory responded to a statement of opinion I posted on Bandera Cabaret with the wrong location in his reply but failed to understand that although I have many bikers as friends and use to own a motorcycle myself, I preferred Bandera in the days when it harkened to a crowd that was more in line with it's claim to fame as Cowboy Capital of The World...ie....Cowboys. That has nothing to do with having prejudicial views of groups of people. It has A LOT to do with personal perception of past history versus present atmosphere. I tell the upside and downside (as I see it ) to every attraction or location I visit and Bandera, Texas is no exception. I have been bouncing in and out of Bandera for over 30 years and I'm sure I'll continue to do so whether the town is overun with cowboys...or bikers. :)
  • bobinman1
    Bandera is fun but not nearly as much fun as it used to be before the biker crowd took over. It was a favorite haunt and the Cabaret was the place to go and listen to talented musicians and eat a decent bite of grub. Times have changed.
  • ChuckySkydiver
    Check with chamber of commerce on status of this historic place before making it part of your plans. Investors have been trying to buy it to use as a music museum. It's up for sale, so if you want a piece of Bandera history, bring your checkbook.
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